At this point I think Effie HAS to be involved.
She’s the first girl you really talk to (even before your own family) every single time the people from the sex world want to lure you or talk to you, they use her or her phone. Remember they do it again. Effie offers to send you buses and then threatens you.
The current Effie also has that dialogue about doing research into the lore of the town. It’s almoat certain that she is involved somehow, someway, if she isn’t he mastermind behind the whole thing.
How do we know drowning girls name is Vi? I don’t remember every conversation. In the game. I remember some more than others.
Yes, current asshole dad is definitely from the sex world. What I don’t get is how the main character seems to have forgotten about that. He figures this out almost immediately. For some reason, when the real dad comes back after you rebuild the box fort, he doesn’t say anything about this and in fact acts confused when “real dad” said that the other dad went back. Also, he didn’t confront fake dad with this at all. It appears to just be writing inconsistencies.
People from the sex world appear to be very violent and angry for some reason, considering they wreak havoc on the town, and how “fake dad” acts. Then again, the sex world version of your friends seem to be okay. I don’t really know what that’s about.
I’ve been wondering where the hell “sex world mc” is, and what he’s been doing for awhile now. He hasn’t really shown himself at all and there aren’t really hints either, aside from what mom said and thatdislogue with allaway that’s don’t remember. Where is he? Is he impersonating us?
The beach definitely appears to be linked to the sex world. We actually see someone teleport away if you walk in on them. That’s how the random drunk girl is is explained as well. I think we can generally assume that the gloryhole thing is people from the sex world.
It’s also a little confusing since...are the lifeguards the same? Is everyone we meet at the nudist beach from the sex world? Would no one really notice doppelgängers of themsleves?
The hen you have the huge amount of sex addiction in the town. Principal Lashley appears to have some kind of uncontrollable sex drive, she also emphasized that porn problem is way higher than normal schools, that the former principal had sex with students. Allaway has uncontrollable outbursts(that go away as the story progresses). Effie is... I mean she sucks your dick day one and reveals that she gets around quite a bit. Suddenly you mom and sister are willing to sleep with you? There’s a nudist beach in town?
Maybe the town itself is itself mind of a sex dimension, and the other dimension is just worse for soem reasspl or another?
There’s a ton of hints and weird background things, but we don’t really have a lot of concrete information at all and the story hasn’t really progressed that much.
I’m glad he’s focusing on Lashley finally, but he really needs to advance the story a lot more.