Of course it exists to funnel money up the corporate ladder, what doesn't? It also empowers creators. And I'm okay with that tradeoff.
So filling the internet with spam at a meteoric rate while damaging our power infrastructure and the environment is worth it so that billionaires can make even more money? I disagree.
Also, it doesn't 'empower' creators. It steals from them, and threaten to displace them. Gen-AI couldn't exist without artists, but history demonstrates that artist in fact can exist without Gen-AI.
My point was that it also takes hard work to create something of quality using AI. The difference is that with increased accessibility there is more chance that people who were limited by lack of talent can use these tools to make something good through hard work. AI is easier and faster, so there's more AI shovelware, but this site was full of daz/realporn/illusion/etc shovelware long before AI art existed. Just like any daz or illusion game, the craft and effort is evident in the best games, and none of the assets are their own. None of the engines are their own. They're all just tools to assist creators, they need to be given instructions just the same.
You fundamentally do not understand how to make art. You don't get the difference between an artist, and an art director. The person asking or commissioning an artist to do X and asking them to make modifications to the output is not the same as the artist doing the actual work. Art Directors on film and games don't get credit for the work of the artists working below them. They do not get to put their name on the art and pass it off as their own; neither do people who commission custom artwork. People who use Gen-AI are the art director in that analogy (at best), and even then only if they attempt to do anything to fix the final image.
If you have Daz3D or Honey Studio just sitting on your computer, they do fuck all on their own. You cannot write them a text prompt and let the programs randomly generate an unlimited amount of images for you. Sure they can provide models and lighting, allowing you to pose figures and render images. But there is a ton of work that still needs to go into making a good pose, having well positioned lighting or good shot composition, and not having characters and objects clip through one another. There is a lot of legit work, ways to express your creativity and skill, even if you don't know personally how to model and rig a human mesh or write rendering software from scratch in C++.
If you gave someone excruciatingly detailed how-to steps in Photoshop or Daz3D and gave them identical resources, you can get identical results from different people. In these cases the tools are in fact just tools, used to enable creativity rather than subvert it. There is a process that you can follow; creativity comes form how each induvial artist iterates on that process and makes it their own. Try doing the same with any tutorial involving Gen-AI, and you cannot do the same thing. You could have hundreds of people following the same 'process', using identical prompts, and each hitting the 'generate' button hundreds of times in turn; and you'll get thousands of images with no duplicates. It is not a process, it is probabilistic.
It is elaborate RNG.
So kindly quit conflating use of Gen-AI with actual tools.
They're not the same.
I really don't care about some random Pink Floyd contest winner. I can just as easily point you towards aDDont, who is very open about his process, regularly talks about it at length, and clearly has a creative vision that he is able to bring to life with AI. He gets replicable results because he knows how to use the tools and he works hard. If Geeseki had assisted his natural talent with knowledgeable use of AI and hard work, ATU might have actually been finished.
His 'vision' is built upon the corpses of worldwide art theft. He's a plagiarist, but with more steps involved to obfuscate the theft. Not impressed.
Palmer used pictures of the model Elle B to create Emily: Sister Attraction and it was fantastic. He was an artist whose work was not diminished because he augmented it with borrowed imagery. There's hundreds of old text based games that could be enhanced by adding even a handful of images. If AI can enable more experiences like that, I'm fine with it.
Again, I think NOT doing that is preferable. As generally not giving more money to billionaires is better than the alterative, all other things being equal (and they're most definitely not equal here). Those old games will be fine, the water is better off in the lake than cooling data centers. We will be fine with less Shrimp Jesus images on Facebook, trust me.
Also counter point, Love Season: Farmer's Dream. They used pretty standard 3D CG assets, but they took the time to really setup their lighting and models, and generally had better than average renders to show for it. Great work, there's folks there who are putting in work. Then a few updates back everything started to look off, because they started to feed their renders into Gen-AI to do the final output. Probably because they could get away with doing lower-resolution renders with less elaborate (read: not ray-tracing) lighting and could speed up their local renders times, then upload their images to a Gen-AI service and offload the heavy lifting to some data centers servers. Problem was that all of their renders now had the same rim-lighting and overly airbrushed look that destroyed the texture work on the models (and introduced new Gen-AI visual bugs), and this made their once original images now look like so many other derivative AI slop. They lost what made them original and unique, and the game is lesser for it (they also rushed and phoned in the ending short after jumping to AI, so not like it helped them 'free their creativity' either).
One of my favorite games of the last few years is Vampire Survivors. It took its art style and many of its assets directly from Castlevania, but it's still a creative endeavor that has value, even though it's not original in any way.
Except, if Vampire Survivors had used Gen-AI, they'd probably have just gotten actual Castlevania sprites (images of which had been fed into their training data). Rather than having real artists who created new sprites that were a homage and call back to classic 8-bit sprite work. The sprites that were later taken directly from Castlevania where part of a Castlevania themed DLC, that they made in conjunction with Konami; as in they paid for and had the license/rights to use those sprites where applicable (e.g. Shanoa from Order of Ecclesia on the Nintendo DS didn't have a native 8-bit sprite). The early original sprites that some got upset at for looking too much like knock-offs? Bought in an asset pack, which the dev checked and vetted to make sure they weren't just copies;
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That you don't know or care about the important distinction here, for a game to claim to be a favorite, is quite telling...
As far as being a cog in a corporate machine, or concerns about the environmental impact, these ships have long since sailed. We are all corporate cogs with no agency, and unless fusion becomes a reality tomorrow and combustion engines are replaced by reactors, we're fucked. Even then we'd probably need massive sequestration projects to prevent collapse. We're already beyond several cascading tipping points and we're dissolving the agreements that would have made any difference, not that they were being honored in the first place.
Okay, so your solution is to burn things down faster so long as you get to enjoy your AI slop?
Open AI needed 9 billion in funding so they could lose another 5 billion operating. All of their paid users cost them money, and their free users even more so. This bubble is going to burst eventually, and while I will revel in the schadenfreude of it all when it does, hundreds of thousands of people in the tech industry will lose their jobs too (but not the CEO's or venture capitalists who set this all in motion). All of this Gen-AI stuff is anti-human fake futurism bullshit, and it cannot end soon enough. Everyone who gives it a pass or further enables it is a lapdog for the 1%.
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In the meantime this horny dipshit would like a few completed porn games to fap to before I die or civilization crumbles, whichever comes first. Is that too much to ask for?
Do better. Be the change you want to see in the world, rather than a hapless gooner. We all deserve better than AI slop.