I wanna like the story behind this, because it's rather different. The balance of characters are ok. You have your geeks, hornies, assholes, and normies. But the issue with this story is that it jumps around too much. Too much changes.
Right now, it just seems like he's making it up as he goes and if he reaches a writer's block at a certain moment, the idea he once had is scrapped for something new. He's not 100% sure of himself. That's my impression at least. I understand it's far from a finished product, but it doesn't feel like geeseki has a handle of the story he wants to tell, which makes the pacing and plot chaotic. I often found myself more confused and that's not due to the mystery of the game, but rather the constant shifts in plot.
I couldn't agree more.
I'm curious about where geeseki wants to take his story... But, as it is, it really feels like he has very little idea of it as a whole, which leads to a very convoluted (imho) story that begins in a certain way, goes everywhere, and basically stops where it started... I know this is just 0.07 and I usually refrain myself from analyzing plots in such an early state of development, but, in this case, it looks like the author currently has little notion of where his plot is going.
It "feels" like the end goal of his story isn't really set in great detail, let alone the way to get there... Just a vibe I got from his two latest releases (0.06 and 0.07)
Both kept giving me a "feeling" that geeseki is literally making the plot up as he goes... Something that, if true, will probably not end well.
It's basically why I was quite worried when he told us that he would completely change the story... Imo, anyone considering Patreon should, at the very least, have a very well planned story and gameplay for his project, and stick to it... Otherwise, it will very likely end up looking like something extremely amateurish.
Also, I found the lack of content uninspiring... There was basically nothing new from 0.06 to 0.07, especially when it comes to h content (this is a Porn game, remember?).
+Added 2 Softcore H-scenes is just a tad too little, for a H game, imho.
Oh well, as it is, I will likely drop my patreon support for his project, and check this again in a few months.
Hopefully, geeseki will prove me wrong by then, right? ^^
It's a pity, though. I really dig how his art is refreshingly original and different from everything else in Patreon (though some fingers surely wouldn't hurt
