Fan Art A Wife And Mother Fan Art

4.70 star(s) 12 Votes


Jan 22, 2019
Ch 1_10.png

Melissa : Je vais demander aux enfants s'ils venlent quelque chose.
I’m gonna ask the kids if they want anything.

Ch 1_13.png
Au même moment...
At the same time...

Ch 1_12.png
Elli : ...Donc tu est astrophysicien ? you’re an astrophysicist?
Alex : Oui et non, ma mère l'est, moi il faut que je finisse ma thèse et que je la présente. Ma mère m'aide à la préparer.
Yes and no, my mother is. I have to finish my thesis and present it. My mother helps me prepare it.
Elli : C'est une thèse sur quel sujet ?
What is this thesis about ?
Alex : On travail sur la gravité Quantique à boucle, on voudrais démontrer que l'univers n'est pas en expansion mais plutôt en déploiement, et même en redéploiement...
We’re working on Quantum Gravity Loop, we’d like to demonstrate that the universe is not expanding but rather deploying, and even redeploying...
Elli : Wouah ! et tu crois que vous allez y arriver ?
Wow! And you think you can do it ?
Alex : Non.
Elli : Euh ?! mais pourquoi tu fais ça alors ?
Uh ?! Why are you doing this then ?
Alex : Parce qu'avec un point de vu différent et l'arsenal mathématique qui en découle, j'espere pouvoir répondre à des tonnes de questions.
Because with a different point of view and the resulting mathematical arsenal, I hope to be able to answer tons of questions.

Ch 1_11.png
Dylan : J'ai vu que tu avait des tatouages, tu les as depuis quand.
I saw you had tattoos, how long have you had them.
Alice : Euh je ne sais plus trop, trois ans je crois.
I don’t know, three years, I think.
Dylan : J'aimerais bien m'en faire faire un mais je n'ai pas encore decidé ce que j'aimerai ni où le faire.
I’d love to have one, but I haven’t decided what I’d like or where to do it.
Alice : Si je peut te donner un conseil, vu que tu va le garder toute ta vie, fais-le à un endroit qui ne change pas trop en vieillissant.
If I can give you some advice, since you’re gonna keep it all your life, do it in a place that doesn’t change too much as you get older.

Ch 1_13.png
Melissa : Coucou ! Vous voulez quelque-chose à boire les enfants ?
Hoo, hoo! You want something to drink, kids ?

Ch 1_14.png
Alex : Non merci pas pour moi.
No thanks for me!
Alice : Pour moi une orange pressée avec un glaçon s'il vous plait.
For me an orange pressed with an ice cube, please.
Elli : Vous avez de la bière légère ?
Do you have any light beer?
Mélissa : Oui.
Elli : Alors une bière s'il vous plait.
So a beer, please.
Mélissa : D'accord... Et toi Dylan ?
Okay... what about you, Dylan ?
Dylan : Un Coca bien frais s'il vous plait.
A fresh Coca Cola, please.

Ch 1_15.png
Melissa : Deux Coktails maison, une Rodenbach Grand Cru, une orange pressée avec un glaçon et un Coca Cola bien frais mais sans glaçons.
Two homemade cocktails, a Rodenbach Grand Cru, an orange squeezed with an ice cube and a fresh Coca Cola without ice.

Ch 1_09.png
David : Bien madame.
Yes ma'am.
Nice story
What happen next’s
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Jan 29, 2018
Sophia : Euh... je... enfin je veux dire, euh... c'est normal qu'il soit habillé comme ça ?
Um... I... I mean, uh... is it normal for him to be dressed like that ?
Ch 1_05.png

Melissa : Lui ? Oh oui ! Il est en cure de psycho-sevrage de misogynie aiguë.
Him ? Oh yes! He is in psycho-withdrawal rehab of acute misogyny.
Ch 1_04.png

Sophia : De psycho quoi ???
psycho what ???
Ch 1_05.png

Melissa : psycho-sevrage. En faite vous voyez là le parfait exemple du travail de réapprentissage du respect des femmes que nous menons Alex et moi.
psycho-weaning. In fact you see this as the perfect example of the work of relearning the respect of women that we lead Alex and me.
Ch 1_02.png

Sophia : Ah !? Et ça fais combien de temps que vous vous êtes lancés dans cette... euh... activité ?
Ah !? And how long have you been into this... uh... activity ?
Melissa : Un peu plus de 6 mois, on expérimente une toute nouvelle technique personnalisé. C'est Alex qui à décidé qu'il fallait aider notre prochain. A l'époque il traversait une terrible dépression et moi je faisait tous ce que je pouvais pour l'aider à s'en sortir...
A little more than 6 months, we are experimenting with a brand new personalized technique. Alex decided that we had to help our neighbour. At the time he was going through a terrible depression and I was doing everything I could to help him out...
Ch 1_03.png

6 mois plus tôt...
6 months ago...

Nicole : Faite comme chez vous je vous en prie, je vais aller chercher mon fils, c'est lui qui s'occupe de la vente maintenant que... enfin maintenant !
Please make yourself at home, I will fetch my son, he is in charge of the sale now that... finally now!
Ch 1_20.png

La suite sur la page de "The Tyrant"...
The rest on the page of "The Tyrant"...


Jan 22, 2019
Sophia : Euh... je... enfin je veux dire, euh... c'est normal qu'il soit habillé comme ça ?
Um... I... I mean, uh... is it normal for him to be dressed like that ?
Ch 1_05.png

Melissa : Lui ? Oh oui ! Il est en cure de psycho-sevrage de misogynie aiguë.
Him ? Oh yes! He is in psycho-withdrawal rehab of acute misogyny.
Ch 1_04.png

Sophia : De psycho quoi ???
psycho what ???
Ch 1_05.png

Melissa : psycho-sevrage. En faite vous voyez là le parfait exemple du travail de réapprentissage du respect des femmes que nous menons Alex et moi.
psycho-weaning. In fact you see this as the perfect example of the work of relearning the respect of women that we lead Alex and me.
Ch 1_02.png

Sophia : Ah !? Et ça fais combien de temps que vous vous êtes lancés dans cette... euh... activité ?
Ah !? And how long have you been into this... uh... activity ?
Melissa : Un peu plus de 6 mois, on expérimente une toute nouvelle technique personnalisé. C'est Alex qui à décidé qu'il fallait aider notre prochain. A l'époque il traversait une terrible dépression et moi je faisait tous ce que je pouvais pour l'aider à s'en sortir...
A little more than 6 months, we are experimenting with a brand new personalized technique. Alex decided that we had to help our neighbour. At the time he was going through a terrible depression and I was doing everything I could to help him out...
Ch 1_03.png

6 mois plus tôt...
6 months ago...

Nicole : Faite comme chez vous je vous en prie, je vais aller chercher mon fils, c'est lui qui s'occupe de la vente maintenant que... enfin maintenant !
Please make yourself at home, I will fetch my son, he is in charge of the sale now that... finally now!
Ch 1_20.png

La suite sur la page de "The Tyrant"...
The rest on the page of "The Tyrant"...
Nice story

Old Dog

Board Buff
Jul 20, 2017
These fan arts are so tempting .

I am wondering that people like me without any kind of past experience with daz ,can we make atleast average looking models ?
Yes you can.I am still a learner on Daz but there are plenty of people here who would be willing to help
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Old Dog

Board Buff
Jul 20, 2017
After a long and tedious day at school, Sophia sat back and flicked on FlixNet to watch a new movie her sister Patricia had told her about called Paola, she described it as a romantic film. Sophia thought she would try and do tomorrow's lesson planning while she watched this so called movie, she figured it would probably be a little boring anyways.

Of course Sophia thought a man telling his wife that she has to dress to impress, what else was new.
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But then it got a little more interesting that Sophia couldn't look away.
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She couldn't believe her eyes as this married woman was allowing this man to touch her. To feel her like that, but yet Sophia couldn't stop watching.
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The way the man took her, the shear dominance as he pressed the woman against the wall. Sophia feeling a little turned on by this. Why couldn't Liam be like this she wondered. Sophia could feel goosebumps all over her body, imagining it being her pressed against that wall.
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Sophia could believe what was happening now, was she really going to give him a blow job right there. Sophia getting even more excited just to see how large this man was.
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But alas in the end the woman ran away.
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Now feeling horny Sophia wanted nothing more than release, but then did she only notice that she wasn't the only one in the room. Sophia could only think to herself. Oh my God, how long has she been standing there.
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This was just a quick little short story i did up before i went to work, If you haven't already figured it out the images on the T.V are from a comic/VN called Paola. I have no claim to them, I would recommend checking it out, it has a good story and great art. Hope you all enjoyed.
Nice to see that White_Wolf619 is behaving himself with his artwork anyway great artwork as always my friend


Game Developer
May 14, 2018
A Tired Wife and Mother
The whole World fell into a darkness
and many have suffered losses. The rest have battled on. No matter what life throws at us we must continue on. Never surrender. Better days will come. Thanks L&P for inspiring me to start rendering again and inspiring me to make a Game too. Keep it up, the few never speak for the many ;)
4.70 star(s) 12 Votes