Fan Art A Wife And Mother Fan Art

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Jan 22, 2019
Cependant, le premier orgasme fut pour Elli. Déclenché par l'action combiné de la langue et des doigts de Dylan...
However, the first orgasm was for Elli. Triggered by the combined action of Dylan’s tongue and fingers...

Ainsi que par les savantes caresses de sa mère sur ses tétons, Elli accepta sa défaite par un long cri de pure plaisir.
As well as by the learned caresses of his mother on his nipples, Elli accepted his defeat with a long cry of pure pleasure.

Ce fut ensuite le tour de Sophia. Surexcitée par l'orgasme de sa fille, elle invita son fils dans une position ou il pourrait rentrer de toute sa longueur et atteindre le point sensible.
It was then Sophia’s turn. Overexcited by the orgasm of her daughter, she invited her son into a position where he could come back all his length and reach the sensitive point.

L'effet fut immédiat ! Sophia senti la vague arrivée et se cambrât de manière incontrôlable sous la force de l'orgasme. Son plaisir se prolongea un long et délicieux moment, entretenue par les caresse d'Elli.
The effect was immediate! Sophia felt the wave arriving and arched uncontrollably under the force of the orgasm. His pleasure continued for a long and delicious moment, nurtured by Elli’s caresses.

Lorsque le calme revint, Sophia serra très fort ses enfants contre elle. Elle aurai dû éprouver de la culpabilité mais il n'en était rien, seul le bonheur présent comptait. Elli continuait de l'embrasser et de la caresser tendrement, Dylan c'était blottie contre elle comme un petit enfant dont le monde se résume à sa mère.
When calm returned, Sophia pressed her children very hard against her. She should have felt guilt, but it wasn’t, only the present happiness mattered. Elli continued to kiss and caress her tenderly, Dylan was snuggled up against her like a little child whose world is all about his mother.

Ce fut Elli qui brisa le silence la première.
It was Elli who broke the silence first.
Elli : Merci maman, tu n'imagine pas à quel point je t'aime encore plus qu'avant... Et toi aussi Dylan, j'ai été une bien piètre grande sœur à ton égare.
Thank you, Mom, you have no idea how much I love you more than before... And you, too, Dylan, I’ve been a terrible big sister to you.

Dylan : Ni pense plus, de toute façon je n'ai pas été très bon non plus comme petit frère.
Nor think more, anyway I haven’t been very good as a little brother either.
Nice job
Wow Sophia Dylan Ellie
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Jan 22, 2019
Sophia fut ému par les paroles de sa fille, elle sentait dans sa voix tout l'amour qu'elle lui portait. Elles n'étaient plus simplement mère et fille, maintenant elles étaient en plus amies, amantes et complices. Elle s'embrassèrent fougueusement de nouveau pendant que Dylan les regardaient amoureusement.
Sophia was moved by the words of her daughter, she felt in her voice all the love she had for her. They were no longer just mother and daughter, but now they were friends, lovers and accomplices. They kissed passionately again while Dylan looked at them lovingly.

Ils resterent tous là quelques instants, sans oser bouger ni parler de peur de casser la magie du moment.
They all remained there for a few moments, without daring to move or speak out of fear of breaking the magic of the moment.
Au bout d'une longue minute, Dylan se redressa et planta son regard tour à tour dans celui de ses amantes.
At the end of a long minute, Dylan stood up and gazed in turn into those of his lovers.

Dylan : Rien ni personne ne pourra jamais plus me séparer de vous ! Maman, Elli, vous êtes les deux plus belles femmes que la terre ai jamais porté... je vous aime et rien au monde ne pourra jamais briser cela !
Nothing and no one can ever separate me from you again! Mom, Elli, you are the two most beautiful women the earth has ever worn... I love you and nothing in the world can ever break that!

Elli : Merci Dylan, moi aussi je t'aime et plus jamais quelque chose ne se mettra entre nous. Nous somme plus que frère et sœur maintenant, nous sommes aussi amant !
Thank you, Dylan, I love you too, and never again will anything come between us. We are more than brother and sister now, we are also lovers!

Sophia se figea, elle repensa à la conversation qu'elle avait eu quelques semaines plus tôt avec Mélissa et Alex sur leur bateau. Alex lui avait dit que le lien qui l'attachait à sa mère était beaucoup plus fort maintenant car il était le résultat de leur amour mère fils et de leur amour de couple. tout comme elle à présent ! Sophia se releva doucement et quitta la pièce sous le regard étonné de ses enfants.
Sophia froze, she thought about the conversation she had a few weeks earlier with Melissa and Alex on their boat. Alex had told him that the bond that attached him to his mother was much stronger now because it was the result of their love mother son and their love as a couple. just as she is now! Sophia rose gently and left the room under the astonished look of her children.

Elli : Maman ? Ou va-tu ?
Mom? Where are you going?
Sophia : Je suis désolé les enfants... J'ai un appel urgent à passer !
I’m sorry kids... I have an urgent call to make!

Sophia quitta la pièce sans un autre mot, Elle devait parler à Alex et Mélissa, tout de suite !
Sophia left the room without another word, She had to speak to Alex and Melissa, right away!

La suite bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures...
The sequel soon for new adventures...
Nice picture
Nice job
Sophia Dylan Ellie
Sophia looks like she upset
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Jan 22, 2019
I wonder if Sophia go in her room and think about what happen
Does Dylan go to see Sophia
Does Sophia have some kind of love and feelings for Dylan like sex


Active Member
Apr 27, 2020
Sophia fut ému par les paroles de sa fille, elle sentait dans sa voix tout l'amour qu'elle lui portait. Elles n'étaient plus simplement mère et fille, maintenant elles étaient en plus amies, amantes et complices. Elle s'embrassèrent fougueusement de nouveau pendant que Dylan les regardaient amoureusement.
Sophia was moved by the words of her daughter, she felt in her voice all the love she had for her. They were no longer just mother and daughter, but now they were friends, lovers and accomplices. They kissed passionately again while Dylan looked at them lovingly.

Ils resterent tous là quelques instants, sans oser bouger ni parler de peur de casser la magie du moment.
They all remained there for a few moments, without daring to move or speak out of fear of breaking the magic of the moment.
Au bout d'une longue minute, Dylan se redressa et planta son regard tour à tour dans celui de ses amantes.
At the end of a long minute, Dylan stood up and gazed in turn into those of his lovers.

Dylan : Rien ni personne ne pourra jamais plus me séparer de vous ! Maman, Elli, vous êtes les deux plus belles femmes que la terre ai jamais porté... je vous aime et rien au monde ne pourra jamais briser cela !
Nothing and no one can ever separate me from you again! Mom, Elli, you are the two most beautiful women the earth has ever worn... I love you and nothing in the world can ever break that!

Elli : Merci Dylan, moi aussi je t'aime et plus jamais quelque chose ne se mettra entre nous. Nous somme plus que frère et sœur maintenant, nous sommes aussi amant !
Thank you, Dylan, I love you too, and never again will anything come between us. We are more than brother and sister now, we are also lovers!

Sophia se figea, elle repensa à la conversation qu'elle avait eu quelques semaines plus tôt avec Mélissa et Alex sur leur bateau. Alex lui avait dit que le lien qui l'attachait à sa mère était beaucoup plus fort maintenant car il était le résultat de leur amour mère fils et de leur amour de couple. tout comme elle à présent ! Sophia se releva doucement et quitta la pièce sous le regard étonné de ses enfants.
Sophia froze, she thought about the conversation she had a few weeks earlier with Melissa and Alex on their boat. Alex had told him that the bond that attached him to his mother was much stronger now because it was the result of their love mother son and their love as a couple. just as she is now! Sophia rose gently and left the room under the astonished look of her children.

Elli : Maman ? Ou va-tu ?
Mom? Where are you going?
Sophia : Je suis désolé les enfants... J'ai un appel urgent à passer !
I’m sorry kids... I have an urgent call to make!

Sophia quitta la pièce sans un autre mot, Elle devait parler à Alex et Mélissa, tout de suite !
Sophia left the room without another word, She had to speak to Alex and Melissa, right away!

La suite bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures...
The sequel soon for new adventures...
Tre bien tre bien :love: (y)in all manefit you pit point the surrounding of the bathroom o my goodness even the Ducky Now that's awesome(y)(y):giggle: . Once again manefit . Can't wait for the sequel of this adventures.. Merci like always your rendering of Sophia and Dylan and Ellie . Can't wait . For Melissa and Alexis . And thank you for listening . When you commented on my post . Gracias :cool:


Jan 22, 2019
Tre bien tre bien :love: (y)in all manefit you pit point the surrounding of the bathroom o my goodness even the Ducky Now that's awesome(y)(y):giggle: . Once again manefit . Can't wait for the sequel of this adventures.. Merci like always your rendering of Sophia and Dylan and Ellie . Can't wait . For Melissa and Alexis . And thank you for listening . When you commented on my post . Gracias :cool:
I agree with that
Sophia had to talk to Melissa and Alexis
Jan 29, 2018
I agree with that
Sophia had to talk to Melissa and Alexis
Je suis en train de travailler la dessus. Cependant il va falloir être un peu patient car je part demain pour 3 semaines de vacances... :cool:
I am working on it. However, we will have to be a little patient because I leave tomorrow for 3 weeks of vacation...:cool:


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
[QUOTE = "Bane71, message: 3937551, member: 2243813"]
I understand that without visualizations, the story is not so interesting to perceive. There are pictures for further activities, and I will use them. But now, unfortunately, only text.

Part 5 Beach Sunday! Continuation 2.

Sophia raised her gaze to the sky and closed her eyes in pleasure. In her agitated state, Amber's kiss was like a life-saving pill! She took Amber's head and pressed it even tighter to her vagina.

Sam, who was fucking his mom in the vagina and was under her, watched an amazing picture!
Sophia spread her beautiful legs, stood above his head, and Amber, slightly raised herself, passionately kissed Sophia's pussy. At the same time, mom's breasts swayed to the beat of the boys' push.
Sam could not stand it for a long time and began to cum in Amber!

Dylan also saw a wonderful picture! And besides, despite the fact that Sofia had been completely naked for half a day, he looked with admiration at her gorgeous large breasts. And now, fucking Amber in the anal, he tried to grab his mother's nipple with his lips.
But the sweet feelings that flooded him made him cum in Amber's anal, practically with Sam.

Amber lay down on Sam.

Dylan pulled a cock out of Amber's anal and helped Sam get up. The boys ran to the water. Sofia sat down next to Amber on the bedspread.

The boys ran away! I'm shocked! I looked at you as they fuck you together and got incredibly excited, and they ran away.

Sofia lay down on the bedspread.
Kissing you there, I remembered my youth, how in the hostel we girls caressed each other and brought to argasm.

Amber got up a little and began kissing Sofia on the lips. They kissed passionately, then Amber laid Sophia down and gently touching her lips to Sophia's neck, moved to her breasts, hard from arousal juices. She kissed the nipples and caressed Sophia's vagina with her hand.

I was last touched by a girl, too, in a college dorm. I had already forgotten that it could be so nice.

Amber lay down between Sofia's legs, then parted them a little more so that she was comfortable.

Kissed her thighs and groin. Then she began to caress Sofia's pussy. She stuck her tongue in. And sucking on the clitoris, she thrust two fingers into Sofia's pussy and massaged her vagina with them.

Sofia groaned and arched her back. Amber stretched out her hand and squeezed Sofia's chest with it painfully!

The boys splashed in the ocean.

Man, a couple of days ago I dreamed of seeing your mom's breasts. Forgive me, I jerked off more than once at night dreaming about her. Tonight we fucked her, and here on the beach, we already fucked mine! Just cool dude! What do you think?

This is really cool! I dreamed about this and also jerked off at night, but everything happened so unexpectedly.
Thank you.
I think I could not do this alone.

I suppose I myself could not.
But do you know what worries me?
When you and I were fucking Sofia and mom in anal sex and pussy, I really wanted someone to fuck them in the mouth at that time.

Strange! I also have such a desire. I'll tell you more, I want to see even stranger things.

For example?

Then, I'll tell you sometime.

Come on, tell me.

Dylan was thoughtfully silent.

I get very excited when I imagine my mom being fucked by a dog.

And I love it when Mom flirts with Mr. Murray. I can imagine how she teases him. I finish imagining how she excites him and then gives herself up, and I look at it and I want to join.

But Mr. Murray is already old!

So the dog that fucks your mom might be old too! How do you know?

The boys laughed and in a great mood came closer to the ladies and began to watch what was happening.

Sofia held Amber's head with both hands, pressing it to her groin. She shuddered with sweet feelings. Then she pulled Amber by the head closer to her and passionately dug into her lips in a long kiss.

After the kiss, Amber lay down next to Sofia and gently stroked her body with her hand.

The boys came closer, admiring the beautiful naked bodies of their mothers.

You are on time! The sun is baking us, cover Sofia and me with cream. Otherwise we will burn out today. Tanning without a swimsuit is just wonderful.

Dylan began to apply cream to Sofia's body, and Sam to Amber's.
The boys did it very carefully and slowly, enjoying the touch of their mothers' bodies.

When the boys finished, Sofia and Amber began to apply cream to their bodies.
Then the whole company played ball again, but the boys were naked like their mothers.
All together swam naked in the ocean, had fun and enjoyed a wonderful day.

When the boys ran to the bedspread and lay down on it, Amber, coming out of the water, said to Sofia.

I feel awkward around you. Dylan and Sam fucked me like a bitch and you act like a virgin.

Sofia smiled as she remembered what happened at night.

Don't worry girlfriend. Now we will finish the third bottle of wine and when we go home in the car I will sit next to Sam and give him a blowjob. As I did in my youth. Thanks to you, today I remembered my youth so vividly.

The guys took the soccer ball. Having fun kicked him to each other on the beach.
The ladies poured the remnants of wine into their glasses and drank slowly, looking at the guys.

Do you think I'm crazy?


Today I fucked two boys and they are our children!

I didn't think about that before, it's a taboo for me. But today it excites me very much. I want them two to fuck me like they fucked you today. I think it will happen soon. Liam is on a business trip. I think I'm capable of more madness. I'm even ashamed to admit it to you.

Amber laughed.

This is unlikely, you are crazier than me! I've already cheated on Neal, and you probably haven't cheated on Liam! I see.

You're right, I haven't cheated on him until today. But today something happened and I want to.
Let's go to the water for a little more swim and go home.

Amber and Sophia went to see the boys splashing in the ocean.
They plunged into the water with the boys. The ocean waves covered them from time to time.

Guys, let's get ready to go home.

Mom, can we still stay here? Dylan and I will light a fire and sit around the fire together. It is so romantic!

Great idea, Sam, but let's do it another time.

It's a pity. But if you promise to repeat such a day again, then we will take a tent and stay overnight by the ocean. Do you agree?

Probably Neil will be with us next time.

Okay, we'll see.

Ladies and boys went to blanket to prepare for home.

The boys put all their things in the trunk. The company got into the car, Dylan and Amber in the back seat, and Sophia sat next to Sam.
Sam turned on the music: (Left-click on the player to the left)

As soon as the music died down, the siren sounded and the beacons of a police car flashed in the rearview mirror.

Sam turns on the right turn signal. Goes closer to the curb and stops the car.

A police officer approached the driver's door.

Police Officer Dev Milanski! Young man, I am interested in the documents for the car and your driver's license.

Please officer.
(Sam handed the documents to the officer)

Policeman Dev
Luxurious car. Your documents are in order. But I can smell alcohol, have you been drinking mister?

Officer, we were relaxing by the ocean, my aunt and her friend drank wine. My friend, he is an athlete, is fond of football, also drank a little, so you can smell alcohol. I didn't drink alcohol.

Policeman Dev
Get out of the car carefully and slowly. You must pass the test.


Sam Slowly got out of the car, the officer took him aside behind the car and began to conduct tests, checking whether Sam had taken alcohol.

The cop's partner who watched Sam pass the tests summed it up.

Cop partner
Police Officer, Richard Voznik. You seem to be okay, come with me.

The officer led Sam to the back door of the police car. He opened it.

Officer Richard
Sit on the seat and wait.

The officer closed the shit of the car and blocked it. Sam was locked. It was fenced off from the front seats and the luggage compartment by a grill. There was a huge black dog in the luggage compartment.
The policeman opened the trunk.

Officer Richard
Let's go Jack, check the passengers for drugs.

The dog got up and obediently jumped out of the car.
Richard led the dog on a leash to Sam's car. He walked around the car with the dog. Then he gave the dog the command "Sit", next to the car.

Officer Richard
Milanski, get the lady out of the front seat and check her out.

The officer came up and opened Sophia's door.

Policeman Dev
Miss, get out of the car, go to the trunk, put both hands on it, bend over a little and spread your legs.

Officer, what's the matter? Do you have the right to inspect us? There is no lady officer here!

Policeman Dev
Do you want to go to the police station?

No thanks! But I ask you to be correct.
(Sofia followed the policeman's instructions)

Dev sat down and began to feel with both hands Sophia's right leg, rising higher and higher under her skirt. He lightly touched the vagina. Then he also felt the left one, only touched Sophia's vagina a little longer with his finger.

Sofia was dismayed.

Policeman Dev got up, felt the sides of Sofia, then both breasts, pressing against her from behind so that she felt his hard cock resting on her ass.
He froze briefly, then pulled back and examined Sophia's hands.

Policeman Dev
Richard, this madam doesn't inject.
Madam, do you take drugs?

Officer, in my entire life, I took a couple of puffs of marijuana while still a college student. With a friend who is now the head of the city police.

Policeman Dev
Does your friend, the police chief, know that you like to go out without panties?

He grabbed the edge of the skirt with two fingers and lifted it so that his partner saw Sophia's naked ass. Sam sitting in the police car saw everything too. This scene aroused him, he grabbed himself by a hard cock.

(Are they going to fuck Miss Parker right now?)

If you wish, officer, I will ask him to answer your question.

Officer Richard
Officer Milanski, check the second lady.
And you lady, stand still and don't move.
(He told Sophia)

Milanski opened the car door.

Officer Milanski
Madam, slowly get out of the car and stand in the same way as your friend at the trunk. Only without sudden movements.

Amber went and stood next to Sofia.

Officer Milanski
Young man, have you ever taken drugs?

Never in his life, the officer did not take drugs or smoke. I am fond of sports.

Officer Milanski
Good. Don't get out of the car.
(He closed the door. He went to Amber and checked her in exactly the same way as Sophia. Also touching the vagina and pressing against Amber from behind)

At that moment, the dog pushed his wet nose under Sophia's skirt, rested it on Sophia's ass. Then he began to lick the anus and vagina.

Sofia held out for a minute, but then told the officer.

Officer, this has gone too far. Take the dog away!

Richard approached Sophia, spoke softly.

Officer Richard
Maybe we can leave your boys here for an hour and go and check something nearby? Jack does such miracles, you will never know this in your life! Yes, and Dave and I will not lose face.

Officer, remove the dog.
(Something incredible was going on in Sofia's head. She understood that if the officer did not remove the dog for a while, she would simply melt and suck the penis of both policemen and their dog)

Richard pulled the sabaku away from Sofia. But right there, the dog rested his wet nose on Amber's ass.

Sam sat in the police car and held his rock-hard cock in his right hand. He saw how a large member began to grow between the hind legs of the dog. It got bigger and bigger.
Sam saw the dog begin to lick, under the skirt, at mom's.

Richard moved closer to Amber.

Officer Richard
Maybe you can tell your friend not to break down? Let's go to us for an hour?

(Amber with difficulty repeated after Sofia)
Officer, remove the dog.

Officer Richard
(Took a short pause)
As the lady say.
(He pulled Jack away from Amber. Gave the command to the dog)
Jack! A place!

Richard dragged the dog into the trunk of a police car. On the way, he signaled to his partner to let the ladies go.

Officer Milanski
Ladies, you are free, sit in your car.

Milanski got behind the wheel of a police car, and the second officer opened the door and released Sam. The ladies took their seats and waited for Sam to get behind the wheel.

The police car drove off with flashing lights.

As soon as Sam got into the car.

Sam, did you want Amber and me to be fucked by these cops? Why did you say that we are an aunt and a friend, and not your mothers?
It's good that they didn't arrive earlier when we were all naked.

I dont know. For some reason said so. I don't understand myself.
But I will not lie, when the dog licked my mom under the skirt, he grew such a huge cock.
(Sam paused)
I would like to see him fucking mom.

Dylan's eyes widened in surprise.
Sofia, in a stupor, did not know what to say.

Maybe you want us to catch up with these cops and let them and their dog fuck me?

Sam pondered

Do you want?

Sam are you crazy?

I won't lie! I want to.

Sophia looked at Amber. And she laughed.

I thought I was the only one here crazy!
If their dog licked me for a few more seconds, I would have broken down and fell to my knees.

Why would you kneel down, mom?

Sofia and Amber laughed out loud

To make it easier to suck the cops and their dog!

The ladies laughed even harder.

Take us home, Sam. Or does your dick hurt so much from excitement that you can't steer?

No, he hopes to catch up with the cops!

The ladies laughed out loud again. Sam started the car and started driving towards the house.

We had two girlfriends in college who did not hide that they were fucking with their dogs. They told everyone that no guys fucked them as well as their dogs.

Mom, did you have any of these in your college?

We had a horny old professor at our college.
I didn't know and he flunked my test three times. Although I was very well prepared.
But then, when I told my friends that he had failed my tests three times, they laughed and asked. Do I don’t know how he likes to have a test?
You have to come to him sexually dressed and preferably without panties if you want a high mark.
I did so.
I went to him for a test, dressed quite sexy and did not wear panties.
When he saw me, he immediately said. It seems today you will pass the test.
I answered his questions, and he, the old bastard, touched my breasts.
Then he dropped his pen to the floor and bent over to pick it up, looking up my skirt.
I parted my legs and flashed my pussy to him. He saw that I was without panties.
He got up, came up to me, I did not see when he unbuttoned his sherinka and pulled out his penis.
He took my head and began to poke his penis into my lips.
I wanted to tell him to stop, but as soon as I opened my mouth, his cock was in my mouth.
Had to suck his old cock.

Mom, was the professor older than Mr. Murray?

(What is Dylan's fetish about this Mr. Murray? I don't need to take Dylan to the hospital with me! He will ask questions.
Kind of like with Mr. Murray. Will I be able to fuck these old men?)
Yes, sonny, the professor was older than Mr. Murray.

What happened next?

(Okay, old folks fetish Dylan. But why do I get wet and start thinking about them? What is happening to me?)
I sucked his cock a little. When he let go of my head, I pulled myself free and told him, until he put me on the record excellent, I will not continue.
He gave me excellent credit and I sucked his cock like a lollipop.
Then he tilted me in the chair and wanted to fuck me in anal.
I told him to take some lubricant, otherwise it would hurt me. But when he left me I ran away from the office.

They all laughed. Dylan didn't stop.

What else did you do at that age?

Sofia smiled slyly.

I did it!

She unbuckled her seat belt, knelt on the gray and unzipped Sam's shorts.
She put her hand on his hard penis.

Sam don't stop, watch the road carefully.

Sophia took Sam's cock in her mouth and began to suck him as passionately as she once did in her youth!

Amber said nothing, felt Dylan's hard cock. She took it out of her shorts and knelt like Sofia took it in her mouth.

It was difficult for Sam to drive the car, but he felt in the ninth heaven with pleasure. Dylan relaxed and enjoyed Amber's blowjob.

When the boys finished in their mothers' mouths, the mothers swallowed all the sperm and licked their penises to the last drop.

Today is such a wonderful day! Mom, I have a request for you.

Anything you want, son.

Mom, can Dylan and I hide in my tree house, and you take Dad out to the yard and have sex with him? We want to see.

Are you and Dylan not enough porn on the Internet?

Mom, please.

I'll look at you and Neal too.

Good. If only, Neal wouldn't mind too much.

You try. You probably know how to push him.

Sam, you and Dylan could have caught me and your dad and saw our sex. Why today?

I want you to know that we are looking at you.

Do you think your dad and I didn't notice when you watched us?
(Amber smiled good-naturedly)

We'll be home soon. Hush. I'll call Ellie.

I hope someone is interested in my storyline.
Sometimes extremely unexpected events happen in life and people are surprised at what actions they are capable of.

Part 6 End of Beach Sunday!

Sofia calls Ellie.

In Jessica's house, in the Great Hall with luxurious furniture and a huge TV, a small table is covered with a variety of fruits and snacks. Also on the table is an open bottle of red wine and four incomplete glasses. And next to him, on a soft carpet, on his back is naked Russell, Jessica's father. Nancy, Jessica's mother, sits on Russell's face, while Jessica and Ellie lie at Russell's feet and kiss her father's cock together

At this point, Sofia calls Ellie.
Ellie breaks off her tender kiss, reaches for her phone, and puts her index finger to her lips. The company is quiet to avoid making suspicious sounds.

Hi Mom!

Hello sunshine! Are you already at home? We'll be there soon.

Mom, Jessica asks to stay one more night with her! I'll sleep here, okay?

Ellie, baby, you don't have to, you have to go home. What will Jessica's parents think? It is not convenient to stay a second night at their house!

Nancy heard these words of Sofia and took her phone from Ellie's hands.

Good evening Miss Parker! This is Nancy, Jessica's mother.

Nice to meet you, Nancy. Sorry, Ellie was staying with you, now I will order a taxi so that she can go home.

Sofia and I am very satisfied! No need for a taxi. Let Ellie be with us. She's a wonderful girl, they get along so well with Jessica. Russell and I would be delighted if you would let Ellie be our guest. I will personally bring her home tomorrow morning.

Sofia decided that Ellie's absence from home would be appropriate after today's adventures.

Thank you Nancy! Very pleased to hear. If Ellie's presence doesn't weigh you down, I don't mind.

Until tomorrow, Sofia! It was nice to meet you.


The car drove up to the house. Sofia kissed Amber on the lips and said goodbye to everyone.

Boys sort things out on their own and put them in their places.
Bye everyone! I'm in the shower and in the bedroom, I want to lie down, something is tired today.

Bye, bye girlfriend!

And Amber went home, too, leaving the guys to take things apart and put them in their places.

Sam and Dylan carried beach gear to their places and discussed how they would shower and hide in Sam's little house while waiting for Amber and Neal. And Sofia at this time was going to soak up the bathroom.


She undressed and sat on the edge of the tub. She looked at the rubber duck.

Sofia took the toy in her hands and began to talk to her.

Can you imagine Sam and Dalan's cock was in that mouth today?

She plunged into a bath of water imagining that in the coming days, while Liam is not at home, it is quite possible that she will have sex with three boys.
Imagining how Dylan's dick and Sam's dick are wielding in the vagina and anus, and she takes Zach's dick in her mouth. Sofia touched herself, caressing her breasts with one hand, and her pussy with the other.


(Well, I'll take a shower and try to get Neal out into the yard. Sam and Dylan will be spying on us, and probably Sophia too. If I tell Neal about this, how will he react?)

Meanwhile, the boys unloaded the car and agreed to take a quick shower and meet in Sam's little house.

Soon the guys were already waiting for the performance of Amber and Neil. Sophia entered the bedroom and went to the window and looked into the neighbors' yard. There was no one there, she noticed the guys who were in the small house and were waiting for Amber and Neil. Sofia lay down on the couch expecting, but quickly fell asleep.

The team that Neil was rooting for lost, he was in a bad mood. Therefore, when a slightly drunk Amber began to pester him, Neal sent her to bed.

The boys waited an hour for Neal and Amber, but then went home.

Thanks to all artists for their work! It will be our imagination!
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Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
for me always nice if caption are included. it is in stories an extra flavor
Whereas I'm the opposite. For example in my last render, I specifically didn't say who was perving on Ellie while she was flashing her nethers, so that the viewer could interpret it however they wanted. As much as I despise Dylan and his fans, there's nothing, intentionally so, preventing them from imagining that it's Dylan watching Ellie clean the car, flashing her pussy.
Jun 8, 2020
Whereas I'm the opposite. For example in my last render, I specifically didn't say who was perving on Ellie while she was flashing her nethers, so that the viewer could interpret it however they wanted. As much as I despise Dylan and his fans, there's nothing, intentionally so, preventing them from imagining that it's Dylan watching Ellie clean the car, flashing her pussy.
A few stand alone pics you are right. But a story with a lot of pics I like to read what they say, what they think. It makes if for me more juice.
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Active Member
May 14, 2018
Whereas I'm the opposite. For example in my last render, I specifically didn't say who was perving on Ellie while she was flashing her nethers, so that the viewer could interpret it however they wanted. As much as I despise Dylan and his fans, there's nothing, intentionally so, preventing them from imagining that it's Dylan watching Ellie clean the car, flashing her pussy.
To each their own..... and yes we are all different... there are no wrong answers....:)


Active Member
Apr 27, 2020
Je suis en train de travailler la dessus. Cependant il va falloir être un peu patient car je part demain pour 3 semaines de vacances... :cool:
I am working on it. However, we will have to be a little patient because I leave tomorrow for 3 weeks of vacation...:cool:
Bruno enjoy your 3 weeks of vacation :cool: be safe and healthy so true patience is a venture and can't wait :love:(y);) Merci
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