I took care of today that the game was updated, so I played.
However, the update I had been waiting for was a bit disappointing.
I was surprised to see Sofia thinking about sex with the man she first met.
I think L&P is the concept of making Sofia a prostitute.
Now I can't wait for the next update.
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Why immediately a prostitute?
1. Liam has a small dick, compared to the rest of the characters in this game, we will not mention BBC characters
2. Sex with her husband lasts 2-3 minutes, not many people can have satisfaction in such a short time.
3. If we take "Filthy route" - Sophia and Liam haven't had sex for a long time, she is constantly in sexual tension!, kiss with daughter and her friend=wet pussy, thoughts of forbidden sex with a stranger, etc.=wet pussy!)
P.S: When i was young one of my girlfriend told me - never compare female sexual desire with male!, man went to jerked off and he felt better, but if a woman felt sexual desire and her man is not around, or she dont have him, she is ready to rush to the first comer-to a complete stranger, have sex thit him and will think about the consequences after!