ThayFor those who wanted a story with Sam, here it is.
To be honest, this one's been much more complicated but I guess the result is great.
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iFor those who wanted a story with Sam, here it is.
To be honest, this one's been much more complicated but I guess the result is great.
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Thank you for your comment. I will add a few more rendering. But I do not consider making a story.You did a great job once again - no, better this time, instead!
Nice image, well rendered too... would be worth of becoming a story, in my opinion.
Keep on doing this way!
With best compliments and regards.
Ever consider Sophie brushing her hair in a mirror and naked
this i never seen coming truly are great imagination expert.Sam found out about the deal Dylan made with Aiden and boy was Sam pissed, they got into a huge fight Sam ended up beating Dylan up pretty badly.
Sam: "You don't deserve her you son of a bitch."
Dylan was on his way back to the boardschool when he ran into some trouble, his body was found in a back alley somewhere down town.
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The funeral was a week later.
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Sophia and Sam stood there holding each other.
Sophia: "I can't believe he is gone, i know he did some terrible things but he didn't deserve this."
Sam: "I should have been with him, maybe i could have helped him."
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A year went by Sam's parents and Sister were involved in a car crash on their way home from the beach, Sam didn't want to go as he wanted to practice with his band, after the funeral Sophia brought Sam back to her house. They were alone in Dylan's room.
Sophia: "I can only imagine what you are going through right now Sam but just know that you always have us to count on."
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Sam: "I don't know what i am going to do Mrs. Parker, i have no other family to go to. If my family doesn't make it i will end up in foster care...i am so scared."
Sophia took a seat beside him.
Sophia: "No Sam you won't have to worry about any of that, you will come and live with us."
Sam: "Thank you Mrs. Parker, but i can't do that to you, you have already done so much for me, i would feel like i am just imposing on you."
Sophia: "Nonsense, you will come and live with us for fact i want you to come and stay here in Dylan's room for the time being. I think it has stayed empty long enough."
Sam: "Thank you Mrs. Parker, i don't really know what to say, you have been too kind to me."
Sophia: "I have known you since you were a little boy Sam and i have always felt like you are a part of the family, i will go with you to your house to get some things and then tomorrow we will go to the hospital and check on your family."
Sam: "Thank you Mrs. Parker, you have been too good to me i don't....." Unable to finish his sentence.
Sophia: "Don't worry Sam i will always be here for you, think of me as a second Mom."
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Sam: "Ooo...kay, Mom."
Sophia gave a small smile.
Okay done and done.
class daddy fucks daughter and son mom)))) interesting is it from the game or a picture of fans?Thank you for your comment. I will add a few more rendering. But I do not consider making a story.
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Is it from the game or a picture of fans ??
Sophia : Ah, euh…? Et Alice, elle n’est pas une mutante ?
Sophia : Ah, uh…? Oh very well... And uh, Alice, she’s not a mutant ?
Alice : Non je n’ai pas cette chance, vous contemplez les deux seuls spécimens terrestre. Mais j’espère qu’Alex m’en fera un, un jour…
Alice : No, I’m not so lucky, you’re looking at the only two Earth specimens. But I hope Alex will one day…
Alex : (confus) …Euh…
Alex: (confused) … Uh…
Alice : Bien ! Puisque l’atmosphère est à la confidence et qu’on en a pour trois heures de voyage, je crois que je vais aller chercher de quoi boire et manger… !
Alice : All right! Since the atmosphere is confidential and we will be travelling for three hours, I think I will go and get some food and drink…!
Sophia : Comment ça trois heures de voyage ? On va ou ?
Sophia : How about three hours of travel? Where are we going ?
Alex : En mission de sauvetage, une famille est sur le point de s’entre-tuer, nous devons intervenir très rapidement si nous voulons éviter qu’un malheur ne survienne.
Alex : On a rescue mission, a family is about to kill each other, so we need to intervene very quickly if we want to prevent a misfortune from happening.
Sophia : Euh, si cela ne vous embête pas j’aimerai bien rentrer chez moi, je n’avais pas prévu de m’absenter longtemps, nous pourrons parler plus tard.
Sophia : Uh, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go home, I didn’t plan to be away for long, we can talk later.
Alex : Désolé Sophia mais nous ne pouvons pas faire demi tour, j’ai mis le pilote automatique à pleine vitesse et je ne sais même pas si cela suffira pour arriver à temps et empêcher le carnage.
Alex : Sorry Sophia but we can’t turn back, I put the autopilot at full speed and I don’t even know if it will be enough to get there on time and prevent the carnage.
Melissa : Vous n’avez qu’à appeler chez vous, dire que votre voiture est tombée en pane et que le garagiste ne trouve pas d’où viens la pane et que comme vous êtes tous proche nous vous avons invité pour la nuit …blablablablablablabla…
Melissa : All you have to do is call home and say that your car has fallen into pane and the mechanic can’t find where the pane came from and that as you are all close we invited you for the night … blablablablablablabla…
-Sophia, qui n’écoutait plus vraiment Melissa, senti monter la panique. Peut importe ce qu’elle venait de faire avec ses enfants, elle se dit qu’elle aurait été mieux en leur compagnie…
-Sophia, who didn’t really listen to Melissa anymore, felt panic. No matter what she had done with her children, she said to herself that she would have been better in their company…
Sophia : (Il faut que je parte d’ici, ces gents sont complètement fou, ils couchent tous ensembles et ils s’imaginent avoir des supers pouvoirs… il faut que je fasse très attention à ce que je dis, ils pourraient être dangereux si je les contrarie.)
Sophia : (I have to get out of here, these guys are crazy, they all sleep together and they think they have super powers... I have to be very careful what I say, they could be dangerous if I upset them.)
It's from the fan art.class daddy fucks daughter and son mom)))) interesting is it from the game or a picture of fans?
Bonjour Френсис. Il s'agit d'une histoire que j'ai inventé, rien à voir avec le jeu. pour info j'ai créé environ 450 images donc il y en aura pour un moment... J’espère que ça te plaît sinon tu va péter un plomb...Is it from the game or a picture of fans ??
Don't you like vintage?Wow. not too shabby
Mando Logica . That reflection and especially Sophia expression . Is out well worth it
Wynlard really priceless can't wait for this special adventure When Patricia take Sophia visiting Patricia friend . O la la . And you know I am a Dylan fan . But being Hmmm . Just saying