If I was actually using logic, but I'm not. In the walkthrough it only talks about the Dylan, Sam, Ellie and Patricia routes, those being the major characters. And we've already had events with Sam, Dylan and Sophia.
More info on Clark for those that care:
That would depend on who Sophia is caught by, and caught with. The consequences of Sophia being caught with Sam or Dylan would be far more severe than with Julia or Ellie, with Sam or Dylan being adultery, but Julia or Ellie not. Sophia has already been caught with Ellie, and all Liam practically did was shrug his shoulders, comment that it'd be weird if he and Dylan did something like that and get back to what he was doing. And if I recall, on the Aiden route Dylan can spy on the Ellie/Julia event. Don't know if there are any consequences to this though.