When I see ALL those AVNs scenes in public gyms Im 100% sure the author looks like this:
Not a single guy who had ever put his feet in a public gym for more than 10 hours would ever do the ridiculous gropping all this guys do, and also, they only do those scenes because they have no clue how you flirt and date for real in gyms. She has to lurk around you and eventually break her frame forcing a casual conversation, you do not act like the creep that quits training and runs around gropping, that is VERY beta, not alpha gigachad. Just saying...
Guys, author is a confirmed fat weirdo, but definately not a gym chad, 10000% sure.
For the young guys, DONT DO THAT EVER! Even if you have a greek god body, DONT DO THAT! Im 43 and I've been in gyms for more than 20 years, I've NEVER seen that and I dont know a single girl who had ever suffered something like that. Casual but tap, yeah, but ridiculous ass gropping in the middle of the room, come on! you dont even do that kind of exercise in that section!
Guys, the club with a toddler, the gym gropping, the 40 yo women excited after a 16yo kids rock band "sound", etc... The author is a confirmed weirdo with no real life experience.