Bishop Robert

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
No. I and everyone else, regardless of opinions, have every right to post here so long as we respect the rules of the forum itself. See, if i absolutely despised the game and the dev, i'd have removed this thread from my watch list long ago. Use to support the dev for a long time and even defended the guy here for the last several years. I honestly believed he was just having a bad time of things what with this being his first game/vn. He clearly knows what he's doing though at this point, followed through on upgrading his rig that he even posted up images of that fact long ago. The updates however became smaller and time between them increased. That says more than enough about his method of development and it's definitely not one i'm going to financially support after seeing several other devs pull similar behavior. It's like a broken record in essence and i'm done being fooled out of my money by people who have zero intention of keeping their promises, least of all finishing their games/vns or even in a reasonable time frame. As others have mentioned, some devs have started games/vns at roughly the same time this one did and some that started well after it and are COMPLETED and working on others now. Devs that were just starting out like L&P and some of them working with comparable computers and skills i'd imagine. I said it when he first started out, he had something that could be turned into something great if he focused and got it to completion. Instead, he's done nothing but drag it out as long as possible with every new year that passed. It's one thing to develop a slow burn erotic story but L&P has and still is pushing that to an absurd level by both cutting down on the content produced and increasing the time in which he releases each new update. These are legitimate and justifiable complaints. Don't like that? Tough titties i say.
I raise a mug to you, my friend.
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
He may have a fulltime job elsewhere and this is a side project hobby that he can only do in his spare time. You don't know and it's wrong to judge.
LMFAO. You clearly weren't there when this first started then. He was in college originally and even had it set as a goal on his patreon once he reached a certain amount per month, he was going to quit said college classes and focus his full time on developing the game. It clearly wasn't a side project after reaching that goal. Strangely enough, the updates had a longer amount of time between them upon reaching that goal. Then again with reaching the goal of upgrading his computer. The updates came out slower and with less content. I'd say he's a promise breaker at this point.

Again so what? It'll get there in the end. It's a long haul story about CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT
I already made my statements on that and i feel no need to rehash them in length with someone who clearly has zero reading comprehension skills not to understand said statements. The dude has slowed his development process down for the last several years since he first started out. It's absurd and some of us are no longer going to play the role of the fool in defending him for it. That's on him and nobody else for breaking his own promises. That's what those goals amount to once someone sets them and posts them up for all to see on one's own patreon page. In his case, they were clearly empty promises. Still hope he changes that behavior though but i won't hold my breath. If he does, i'll very likely start slowly supporting him again once i see consistent updates in the manner in which he originally set goals/promises for. So far, all i've seen is the exact opposite of that for the past 4 years. I refuse to tolerate that sort of behavior from developers on patreon by cutting my financial support to them. I've seen it far too many times.


Feb 27, 2022
Can i suggest something guys? If you want L&P to start making bigger and more frequent updates (and eventually finishing the game) then STOP paying him. I'm 100% sure that when he sees his patrons disappear he will panic and put some work to it. As much as we love AWAM we know that a VN can be done much much sooner. He clearly milks the cow and we are ok with it?

Radoslaw Wolf

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2017
Can i suggest something guys? If you want L&P to start making bigger and more frequent updates (and eventually finishing the game) then STOP paying him. I'm 100% sure that when he sees his patrons disappear he will panic and put some work to it. As much as we love AWAM we know that a VN can be done much much sooner. He clearly milks the cow and we are ok with it?
Don't know much about cows psychology - perhaps they enjoy being milked?


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
And are those games made by the same developer? No they aren't which immediately mutes your arguement as everybody leads different personal lives and has different personal situations AND the length of game is entirely at the developers discretion. Whether it's 5 weeks 5 months 5 years 5 decades or 5 centuries. It's the developers game and it's entirely his choice.

He may have a fulltime job elsewhere and this is a side project hobby that he can only do in his spare time. You don't know and it's wrong to judge. He is making the game for us, you need to remember that instead of badgering him or the development time....if you can't wait a few more days then that's a poor do and that's on you. The rest of us will sit back relax and wait til release day.

Again so what? It'll get there in the end. It's a long haul story about CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and need I remind the moral code unless you wake up one morning and say to yourself I'm gonna bang my family or cheat on my husband/wife it's TELLING a STORY about Sophie and her eye opening relationship changing life. You are missing the point if all you want is to bang every update...
The problem is that the game was suppose to be completed already.Previous year.
Instead we are moving from 1 game day each month to 1/10 day on 1-2-3-4 months.
With that speed we won't see the most wanted sex scenes
because the game will be abandoned before that.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
And are those games made by the same developer? No they aren't which immediately mutes your arguement as everybody leads different personal lives and has different personal situations AND the length of game is entirely at the developers discretion. Whether it's 5 weeks 5 months 5 years 5 decades or 5 centuries. It's the developers game and it's entirely his choice.

He may have a fulltime job elsewhere and this is a side project hobby that he can only do in his spare time. You don't know and it's wrong to judge. He is making the game for us, you need to remember that instead of badgering him or the development time....if you can't wait a few more days then that's a poor do and that's on you. The rest of us will sit back relax and wait til release day.
You do not know much about AWAM, oder? Because with your statement about L&P you are either one of his shills or you know very little about this developer and his string of broken promises and boasts!
Several other members already answered in their posts your flawed statement about L&P having a fulltime job and doing this as a hobby. So I do not repeat everything, just the gist of it. L&P boasts about how he is working eleven hours a day on the game, that he upgraded his computer for faster updates and a couple other things. But the reality is that the update speed is continously getting slower, the excuses steadily more laughable. Not ONCE did L&P increase his update speed, not once! Instead the intervalls are getting longer and the content per update smaller! In the beginning, I defended L&P too, but that stopped once it became clear that he was deliberately slowing development, while at the same time telling tall tales, who nobody with more than a single active braincell believes any longer. Any promise he made the last years he broke, so he used up any trust he might have had.
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