
Active Member
Mar 15, 2018
At L&P, Sam is the major reason why I play this game. What updates should I watch out for more Sam content?


Nov 4, 2017
My stats in my current save end of this update are:
Good wife 22
Filthy 1
Lesbian Temp 11
Dylan 0
Ellie 4
Sam 0
Patricia 2

So I really do hope that there will be more lesbian stuff in the future. This game will suck big time if we are "forced" to do stuff with those teenage boys. And every other filthy male in this game.
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Active Member
Jun 12, 2017

So, you mean someone, who will just delete 50% of the text and renders? Well, actually I could do this myself. From the actual point of view, yeah, I think there is too much text and renders, and I should have reduced it. But this is my first project and I've been just too ambitious. But you know, there are a lot of people supporting me who say that they like to read more, what gives you a better insight into the characters and make everything more authentic. There are also a lot of hints in many dialogues for further events! Much text results also from many characters with whom you can talk! Actually, today I'd really like to reduce it a bit because the great majority just don't like to read much and just want to get to the action as fast as possible, and just screw a build up and dialogues, where you get a lot of hints for future events! But on the other hand it's also a huge pity to delete a lot of renders for which I've spent hundreds of hours of development! And actually it's also a really funny thing to criticize someone so extremely, because he is more ambitious than others and puts more effort in his project. Even if I think myself, that it should be a little less text and renders.
well you dont have to delete renders that are already done. and really the renders dont bother me, because they dont hurt the actual game, its just that a time is spended on creating them which prolongs development. but i can live with that. what annoys me is the "okay im gonna pour me a glass of water. first i need to dress. okay what do i put on ? oh yeah my jeans and a t-shirt. ok im walking towards the wardrobe. im grabbing my jeans. now first my left leg, done. now my right leg. alright, i put on my jeans." come on, nobody needs that.
plus because you are doing so many detailed renders you can afford to not use words to describe the events, since the player can see it himself.
in the end this is your game, this is just my opinion of what i dont like. im glad that you bothered to read it and reply to me but as i said, this is your game. you have great financial support so there is a market for your product. im probably wrong in many peoples eyes but i try to give constructive criticism.


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Well, closest to that is of course still with the husband. I mean they are married and the others need an approach first. After all, Sophia is everything but a slut! Something definitely really "wild" what is not with the husband is planned the first time for playable day 16 and it will be something no one will definitely expect at the moment! I think it's one of the highlights in the story. Before, there will be a lot of other hot scenes and much more lucid approaches which are not "casual events"! As far as I can tell now, there won't even be such "casual events" anymore.
And the problem with the updates is, that people awaiting every update to get lewder and lewder. But this is a developing story which has many plot lines. I already said that I'm not developing porn episodes for every update. Why the last update was lewder than this one is because I had to include these few scenes for people who wanted to see a little more. And I put much effort into them. But after reading how disappointed many have still been, I decided that I just follow my script from now on and let it develop like I planned from the beginning because the most won't be satisfied before a hardcore gang bang including people, dogs and donkeys! That's why I also won't put such a huge effort anymore in wife/husband sex scenes, except at the very end of the story where you get some "reward options" for being a good wife!

So, you mean someone, who will just delete 50% of the text and renders? Well, actually I could do this myself. From the actual point of view, yeah, I think there is too much text and renders, and I should have reduced it. But this is my first project and I've been just too ambitious. But you know, there are a lot of people supporting me who say that they like to read more, what gives you a better insight into the characters and make everything more authentic. There are also a lot of hints in many dialogues for further events! Much text results also from many characters with whom you can talk! Actually, today I'd really like to reduce it a bit because the great majority just don't like to read much and just want to get to the action as fast as possible, and just screw a build up and dialogues, where you get a lot of hints for future events! But on the other hand it's also a huge pity to delete a lot of renders for which I've spent hundreds of hours of development! And actually it's also a really funny thing to criticize someone so extremely, because he is more ambitious than others and puts more effort in his project. Even if I think myself, that it should be a little less text and renders.
As a professional writer i give you 3 tips. What you do with them is up to you but i dont hate on your game i just wanna make sure you know that you make your work harder then it has to be and that you can actually make it way easier for you.

1. Cut your story shorter. i know you want to establish your characters but you take already to long for it to the point no one cares anymore and you have to work more an more for no reason on this stuff.
The MC character is established as are her husband, kids, sister and so on.
This was already clear from update 2. No need to invest anything into character development anymore.
This also reduces the amount of renders you need to do as the dialouge.
Which makes your updates bigger and the work you get done in the same amount of time more efficient.

2. If a side story (subway as hint) has no benefit to the main plot or doesnt involve later on into the main plot cut it out completely. The game itself is already big enough with side stories cause of all the characters you introduced to keep you working for years (if your patreons grow you can be assured that you wont be finished at day 30 cause they want more)
Focus on the main plot and the main plot alone. If you have side stories that fit in do them but if you have side stories who have nothing to do with the main plot cut them out. The reader/player wont miss what isnt there in the first place and you dont have to make more and more stuff up as you go along to fit in while maintaining the main plot.

The rule goes like this. Main Plot > Side story that benefits the story > Side story that doesnt benefit the story > Side story that benefits character development > Everything else like this sword was forged in (insert made up name here)

3. Sex Sex Sex. Now i dont know when u plan to make your different genres appear in terms of sex scenes. Incest day x. BDSM Day x. NTR day x and so on. BUT and thats a big but this is a sex game. And while i believe a good story build up is essential and a appreciated (cause we dont have a game like that yet) you have to realize that the longer your build up the bigger the hype for sex scenes and the more ppl rant about blue balling.
Like in a erotic novel where the reader is on page 130 and still nothing has happend. If the sex scene then isnt amazing to read you are in trouble as a writer.
Same applies to you. If you hype it that much you need to deliver some amazing renders that go on and on and on making the sex scenes (your main plot/story element/the game is all about) need to be long, sensual, amazing to watch etc.
And believe me thats harder to write then to show with renders but not that much.

I dont mean that you have to deliver a sex scene in the next update. But the way you build your story up so far is great if you want to write an erotic novel only. For a sex novel you making your job harder then it has to be. Just focus on the main plot, main characters and leave the rest out for now and add the side things little by little. It makes your job easier, the patreons less hating and the whole process smoother for everyone.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
For a "professional writer", you commit a cardinal sin in your treatise:

"but you take already to [sic] long for it to the point no one cares anymore"

Assumption and assuming your opinion is the correct one. In fact many people care, like his style and pacing and are willing to support him for it.

Basing a statement on the limited sample from an F95 message board is fallacious.


Active Member
Jan 7, 2018
The story is great. Don't make it shorter. Develop the relationships so the future sex becomes a natural progression with each character.
What I would like to see (not necessarily in this order):
1. Dad does boss's young daughter, mom makes him leave
2. Mom does kid next door, then son, then threesome with the boys
3. Daughter does girl next door, then mom joins in
4. Mom and sister, mom and soccer mom
5. Mom with male teacher to help son's grades
6. Mom with male and female trainer
7. Mom gets a monster cock from one of the many bad boys she runs into all the time. (I don't like rape)
8. Maybe they get a pet dog ?


Apr 26, 2018
I finally played this as nothing but a good wife +lesbian and I was very happy how the story goes into the To Be Continued.

When not playing as a good wife, I can see many paths this story could go.
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Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
For a "professional writer", you commit a cardinal sin in your treatise:

"but you take already to [sic] long for it to the point no one cares anymore"

Assumption and assuming your opinion is the correct one. In fact many people care, like his style and pacing and are willing to support him for it.

Basing a statement on the limited sample from an F95 message board is fallacious.
And basing your statement on my limited sample from this message board isnt fallacious....?? *cough hypocrite cough*

1. I dont write in english language and i did no cardinal sin either. A cardinal sin between us writers would be to copy a certain writing style from a colleague or trying to cross genres in order to fit many markets at once.
Or like in this case watching someone making his story to big for its own good. If you have a writing team no problem. If you do the writing all by yourself. Huge problem.

2. The Assumption is on your end. I simply state what sells itself over 20 years of writing not what seems to work cause no one else did it so far in this forum.
Sure the dev can make money like this but for how long? Big Brother Dev made the same mistake i warned about and he ignored it now he lost almost half his patreons because not adapting and ignoring every piece of advice someone can give who knows more then he does. I dont know shit about game development but i have experience in writing.
I make money for over 20 years now based on what i stated.
Unless you write yourself for publishers like "paramon" or "novum" i would be quiet about stuff you know nothing about.
Your opinion in this is exactly that. An opinion.
If you publish your first book come back and let me know and see how hard it is to sell it to the point you can make a living out of it. Im sure you dont start arguing then cause a proofreader already stated the issues in your story and cut half the stuff you cared about out the book cause its meaningless and not needed for the plot. That way you lose 200 or more pages on your first book and can start rewriting.
Thats the reality of it. He can make 1 good game but if his next one takes as long as this one the ppl will leave. Same happend to BB cause they dont care to wait another year for 1 sex scene. And 1 year is a long time if you need to pay your bills and 50% of your income makes poof.

3. Yes alot of ppl are willing to support him until this game reaches the first sex scenes and they leave dissapointed or they get blue balled for to long or the game is done, then they drop him faster then a hot potato. Like every other dev in this forum with a few exceptions who stick to the stuff i already mentioned.
Stick to the main plot. Ignore to many side stories. Focus on main story and main characters and progress of said story.

DmD, My Sweet neighbours, Parental Love, Big brother etc. And we dont focus on the quality of the game but on the writing. And for those games the writing is on point. Not 10/10 but on point. Thats how you sell a story.
As example on Big Brother. Did the players get blue balled alot? Yes. Was it needed? No. Did he milk it? yes. Is that how you care for your audience? Absolutely not. But story wise this is how you do it. Little by little sex and more sex. Slowly but steady from naked to, touching to, petting to more hardcore stuff.

4. You fail to realize that your opinion (you dont write you have no clue what you talking about) in this matter only works in short term.
While what i advised works from now till the dev either quits and pursues other stuff or works till his retirement.

So you need to ask yourself only one question.
You want the dev to have 1 good game (cause its different) or a career? Everyone called me names when i said that BB will lose half his patreons cause he doesnt focus on BB anymore like DmD did aside from Patreon while making another game on the side. Now look at it. From 3,1k patreons to 1,6k. Thats alot of money lost cause someone rather starts a new story then finishing an old one.

If you want the dev to have a career and make more games after this he has to learn how to write a story the proper way. Slow pacing works if you put some "bacon" in between. And by bacon i mean sex. Obviously.
This only works cause he is the first one who makes it that way. What you thinks happen if he keeps growing patreons? Exactly.
More and more devs start adapting and makte the same amount of slow pacing games and driven rather by story then by sexy events and when that happens the better writer wins not the bigger updates and who got the most rendered pictures.

If he cuts his writing shorter and focus on what i said it doesnt matter if 40 new devs make similar games. He simply wins by story writing and keeping it focused and on point.
But lets agree to disagree and meet again in a year. Im sure till then you get what i was writing :)
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Sure. We can agree to disagree.

And, I say without animus or braggadocio, that I have published 3 books and, yes, it is darn hard to make a living doing it, since the advent of e-books and self-publishing has flooded the market. Much the same way that new game devs face issues with a flooded market for self-created games.

I will resist the assumption vs. assumption debate. As we can both see, we've both made bad ones. Nevertheless, I suggest that applying book writing mores to a game designer is not an apples-to-apples comparison. And, ultimately, anyone can make the decision on whether to follow their own muse.

But, for my part, I apologize if my one criticism appeared as if I was invalidating your entire point of view. My disagreement was only with your statement that "no one cares" about his writing, voluminous though it might feel for an adult game.

Radoslaw Wolf

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2017
The story is great. Don't make it shorter. Develop the relationships so the future sex becomes a natural progression with each character.
What I would like to see (not necessarily in this order):
1. Dad does boss's young daughter, mom makes him leave
2. Mom does kid next door, then son, then threesome with the boys
3. Daughter does girl next door, then mom joins in
4. Mom and sister, mom and soccer mom
5. Mom with male teacher to help son's grades
6. Mom with male and female trainer
7. Mom gets a monster cock from one of the many bad boys she runs into all the time. (I don't like rape)
8. Maybe they get a pet dog ?
9. Anatomy class :rolleyes: Extracurriculars :rolleyes:
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