Wow lots of little things going on in the next update! So many people to see!
So much walking and talking and not much else happening.
How exciting!
Cant wait for 150 renders of old people, that have zero story, just to introduce new characters, in an ever increasingly slow story going nowhere.
Then the tutoring, awesome, another side story that will have zero relevance and 0 sexual activity. awesome!
then some conversations and some walking, and Aidens 3rd task will be to show her underwear again and we're done!
Good job team!
Take a break, you've earnt it............
This update is going to be smaller than the last one. And since that was around 470, this one I'm guessing (until L&P finally answers
Old dog) might be around 400.
So at 20% of the update for the first side job, that's only 80 renders, not 150.
And the other events:
Tutoring (25%): 100
Aiden's 3rd Task (20%): 80
Dylan/Emma (10%): 40
Dylan/Sophia (15%): 60
And the 10% render buffer: 40
The last Ellie event took 8 renders for them to both get naked, but for Vicky it was closer to halfway into the event. However DeShawn was introduced in render 8, and completely starkers by render 30.
I do think that this update will be light on the sexual content through, with Sophia currently trying to set Dylan up with a girlfriend, either Emma or Marie. So yeah, probably a bit of talking instead of the shower shenanigans that some of us have been enjoying on the Ellie route