
Jun 13, 2018
I am not pleased with last update Sophia "lover boy" teacher scene, probably like most of us. I don't know what developer has in mind, maybe this scene is intended to be like this, short and simple, but as for me it is to short, to simple, to obvious and to straight.
It is like - "have another date with me - You should wear sexy dress next time - I want something in exchange for allowing Your son to retake the test". Is that all, like in ordinary sex game, where are hesitations, where is suspense, where are any subtlietes, everything in this scene is straightforward, too much straight for me.

Why can't it be like this, for example - " it's to risky for me - letting Your son to repeat the teast would be against school board regulations, this could have bad impact on my career as a young teacher - I don't know what to do, it's so difficult - Your request is not so easy in terms of moral principles, becouse other schoolboys, who had failed the test don't get the chance to repeat it - I must think about all of this- Maybe we should discuss it all once again - I know small but very elegant restaurant near the beach with special dress code - maybe we could meet there next thuesday, it's very expensive, but I know the owner, he is some kind of my acquaintance and gives me special bonus treatment when I visit him".

I wish the whole scene with teacher would be similar to that above, more elaborate and thereby more daring and emotional, and for us more exciting.

But why instead of that this scene is so obvious in expectations?


Jul 9, 2017
I am not pleased with last update Sophia "lover boy" teacher scene, probably like most of us. I don't know what developer has in mind, maybe this scene is intentended to be like this, short and simple, but as for me it is to short, to simple, to obvious and to straight.
It is like - "have another date with me - You should wear sexy dress next time - I wan't something in exchange for allowing Your son to retake the test". Is that all, like in ordinary sex game, where are hesitations, where is suspense, where are any subtlietes, everything in this scene is straightforward, too much straight for me.

Why can't it be like this, for example - " it's to risky for me - letting Your son to repeat the teast would be against school board regulations, this could have bad impact on my career as a young teacher - I don't know what to do, it's so difficult - Your request is not so easy in terms of moral principles, becouse other schoolboys, who had failed the test don't get the chance to repeat it - I must think about all of this- Maybe we should discuss it all once again - I know small but very elegant restaurant near the beach with special dress code - maybe we could meet there next thuesday, it's very expensive, but I know the owner, he is some kind of my acquaintance and gives me special bonus treatment when I visit him".

I wish the whole scene with teacher would be similar to that above, more elaborate and thereby more daring and emotional, and for us more exciting.

But why instead of that this scene is so obvious in expectactions?
I thing , she will find a so
lution for balckmailing a teacher or something , and Dylan will be happy and shell be happy too , and well be happy to.
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Jul 6, 2018
This game is not even a "blue balls simulator". It would have to be at least a bit exciting for that. After 5 updates, it's simply boring.


Engaged Member
May 28, 2017
Man , so another milking blue-balling game here ? how sad to think that he has 500 patrons
How is it blueballing or milking when the dev has said at each and every turn that there won't be any h-scenes for awhile. If you went on a date with a girl who made it very clear beforehand that she was NOT going to have sex with you, would you complain about being blue-balled? Makes no sense.

But the real problem starts here:

Sometimes shit happens so I am afraid that before we even got to the point that there be will some juicy sex scenes, the game will become onhold or worst , get abandon. I'm not saying it will but it's always a possibility
I agree, I am also afraid of this :/


Active Member
May 29, 2017
I am not pleased with last update Sophia "lover boy" teacher scene, probably like most of us. I don't know what developer has in mind, maybe this scene is intentended to be like this, short and simple, but as for me it is to short, to simple, to obvious and to straight.
It is like - "have another date with me - You should wear sexy dress next time - I wan't something in exchange for allowing Your son to retake the test". Is that all, like in ordinary sex game, where are hesitations, where is suspense, where are any subtlietes, everything in this scene is straightforward, too much straight for me.

Why can't it be like this, for example - " it's to risky for me - letting Your son to repeat the teast would be against school board regulations, this could have bad impact on my career as a young teacher - I don't know what to do, it's so difficult - Your request is not so easy in terms of moral principles, becouse other schoolboys, who had failed the test don't get the chance to repeat it - I must think about all of this- Maybe we should discuss it all once again - I know small but very elegant restaurant near the beach with special dress code - maybe we could meet there next thuesday, it's very expensive, but I know the owner, he is some kind of my acquaintance and gives me special bonus treatment when I visit him".

I wish the whole scene with teacher would be similar to that above, more elaborate and thereby more daring and emotional, and for us more exciting.

But why instead of that this scene is so obvious in expectactions?
Author is rushing the develoment on purpose to get to better parts.
But he is doing this by lowering the standards of his storytelling.

Main apeal of this game was the quality and details. If he dropes that the game loses his strongest points.

It is ok for supperb quality game to have slow buildup with no scenese yet, but nobody wants mediocre game that doesnt have any content.

He must stop on the cuts like right now. Preserve the original quality of the game and steadily expand on it untill it finaly reaches the important parts eventualy.


Active Member
May 1, 2017
I would like to hear from other people on this: is sound really necessary? I have never really liked sound in any of these games as I A) am usually wanting to listen to music while playing, and B) don't think it adds much to the overall feel of the game. The noisy restaurant drove me to distraction. I get the attempt at immersion, just not sure it is successful and hope the dev focuses his time on rendering versus sound.

What do you think?
Doesn't matter to me either way, I don't turn volume on in any of these types of games. If the dev wants to waste his time adding sound to a game that I won't be listening to, thats his decision.


Jul 12, 2018
this game have no sens 0.5 and not 1 sex scene it s just horrible.
While i too want action, this game is far better than half of the games on here, who equally have no sex scenes. At least the renders and the productions are overall better.


Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
While i too want action, this game is far better than half of the games on here, who equally have no sex scenes. At least the renders and the productions are overall better.
True but as with most things, the truth is in the middle. I really liked the initial updates, up to .03. This author has such contempt for games that move too fast that he's over-compensated to the point of sabotaging his own game. People who hate games that go too fast act like the author is some god tier writer. Going at a slow pace BY ITSELF is not good writing. The characters are bare sketches, as updates go on we learn almost nothing about them. we could have had the relationship aspects develop, but no. We get the same scenes of the Mc's clothes coming off or her tripping onto penises. People forget because of the separation of updates. If you play the game at once, it's RIDICULOUS. How many penises can one person land on in the course of a few days?

The author wants to maintain a certain pace but has no idea what to fill the game out with until the hit their arbitrary goal. Don't mistake things, just because it hits a pace you like doesn't mean the writing in the last few updates has been good. There's really no excuse, instead of repeat scenes, we could have gotten to like the characters more, especially the husband, because why have a good wife path if players don't like and feel loyalty to that person?


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
This game is not even a "blue balls simulator". It would have to be at least a bit exciting for that. After 5 updates, it's simply boring.
It's seven updates,don't let 0.05 fool you.And we already said it many time.Better wait for next year if you want something more.
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Sep 2, 2017
I would like to hear from other people on this: is sound really necessary? I have never really liked sound in any of these games as I A) am usually wanting to listen to music while playing, and B) don't think it adds much to the overall feel of the game. The noisy restaurant drove me to distraction. I get the attempt at immersion, just not sure it is successful and hope the dev focuses his time on rendering versus sound.

What do you think?
Nah, I don’t need it at all. Most of time I play without sound.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
Ok, now that I've tried the update, here's what I think.

The lack of a variable check on whether or not Sophia took the subway or the car at the beginning is an egregious oversight which can break immersion. I feel it will be remedied soon enough though, if the implications on the choices are big enough.

On the other hand, congratulations! This is the most image-efficient update yet! Fewer unnecessary fades, and fewer unnecessary images. This is why I don't hold the update's length too much against the developer. And I do like that he's improved with every update.

While I'm not a fan of the creepy teacher angle, I will disagree with those who think the dev has compromised his storytelling in this one. The reason creepy teacher did not engage in elaborate hemming and hawing over his blackmail is that he is being characterized as a sociopath who knows what he wants and moves to get what he wants. He is being framed as a direct antagonist. The lack of a more complex decision process... (i.e. this...
" it's to risky for me - letting Your son to repeat the teast would be against school board regulations, this could have bad impact on my career as a young teacher - I don't know what to do, it's so difficult - Your request is not so easy in terms of moral principles, becouse other schoolboys, who had failed the test don't get the chance to repeat it - I must think about all of this- Maybe we should discuss it all once again - I know small but very elegant restaurant near the beach with special dress code - maybe we could meet there next thuesday, it's very expensive, but I know the owner, he is some kind of my acquaintance and gives me special bonus treatment when I visit him"
) is a characterization decision, which means it is a structural / creative decision and not a storytelling / method one. I'm fine with that decision, especially as there (apparently) remains a means to skip the angle anyway. His storytelling is fine, and the efficiency will only improve it further. "Longer" does not necessarily mean "better storytelling". *shakes fist at DC ensemble movies* As for emotional impact, I think the author got the emotional impact he was going for. In this matter, his storytelling is fine.

While I like the build-up in this update, especially with Ellie, the story is still paying for the atrocious pacing decisions made in previous updates. At this point in a supposedly erotic story, some of the massive pay-off being promised should have begun unfolding. Playable day 6 is too late a point in the process, especially with the speed (or lack thereof) with which the dev puts out updates. (For example, there should have been more sizzle in the Ellie and Julia interaction... like a kiss perhaps... which would lend more erotic subtext to the conversation in the dressing room about for whom the Ellie is getting sexy lingerie for...) As it stands, Day 6 should hit it out of the park in that regard if the dev wants to continue on this pace.

To sum up, the update, while short, is better than usual. It is certainly better than what most gripers here portray it to be, though some of the complaints understandably stem from this update paying for the sins of previous ones. And while I'm happy with it, I'm still disappointed with the dev stating that he plans to focus mainly on the most adjacent relationships (husband, Dylan, Ellie, Sam... Patricia?). Would've wanted a fleshed out Sophia - Alyssa or Sophia - Nathalie storyline. :(

Still, this remains one of the better games out there, and is blessed in the lack of legitimate competition (though that is changing... thanks JOHN) in its particular niche.


Oct 23, 2017
A game simply ridiculous in terms of action that we all seek! It started very well, with a good story, well rendered rendering ... cool characters and targeted paths ... but throughout the breakthrough the author "forgot" to think about SEX ... the game is Adult Game and not a series of TV ... had everything to please most (it did not please everyone) but it fizzled. my opinion! It would be cool for the author to do a research of their contributors who I believe share the same opinion!


Active Member
May 1, 2017
As Angmir mentioned a while back, theres a shit ton of lesbian situations you can choose to play or not, and since theres so many of those, but the way Sophia acts (prudish/shy/stuckup) towards other guys in similar circumstances, makes me wonder whats going to be more focused on in future updates. Are we going to see a bunch of lesbian scenes in each update with just a little dick action or vise versa?
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3.20 star(s) 485 Votes