
Dec 1, 2020
NO SEX YET, in relation to content it is rather an introductory demo where it explains the different relationships that the MC's family has with other families, Also there another situations with the moving workers, MC's High School staff, at the Husband's Fashion Company, With the Neighbors's Son, etc

Personally, I liked it ill keep an eye on it, Here's a Chart of the families:

- Parker's Family
  • Sophia Parker: Wife [Teacher] < Main Character.
  • Liam: Husband [Fashion Designer] < Gambling Addiction.
  • "Ellie": Daughter [Student] < Love Keep her body in shape + No Sexual Exp + Dont like Dylan.
  • Dylan: Son [Student] < Good in Sports + Naive + No Sexual Exp + Pervert.
- Sister's Family
  • Patricia: Mc's Younger Sister [Gold Digger / Luxury Hotel Manager] < Love Young Blood.
  • Carl: Brother in Law [Business Man] < Impotent + MultiMillionare
- College friends / Neighbors
  • Amber: Sophia & Liam Friend [] <
  • Neil: Sophia & Liam Friend [] <
  • Julia: Amber & Neil's Daughter [Student]
  • Sam: Amber & Neil's Son [Student] < Have a little Crush on Sophia
4years later still no sex in game (n)
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Reactions: jadaonix2222


Dec 1, 2020
Bravo L&P, your work is the best on this site; pay no attention to critics who don't know what the thrill of falling in love means, the pleasure of desire, the growing excitement of waiting for a sexual act. Many of them would like to see sexual intercourse in every episode; they do not understand that this would reduce the narrative tension and reduce the sexual desire. From each of my experiences I remember with great pleasure the phases of the approach, the growth of the attraction, shared with each other and how we arrived at the "first time". The "after", beautiful yes, but in the long run it becomes routine. And in a story it causes attention to drop and interest to fail.
L&P continues like this and "don't care about them, just look and go on" as Dante made Virgil say ....
Sorry my english translated with google ....
let's see if within 6 months with the next update you say the same


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Yeah, not really happy about the 'swinging' as I feel this is an attempt to allow Sophia to cheat on Liam easier by having sex with Andy.
Sophia already realises how eager Liam is to sleep with Cathy. I think that will be the pivotal moment for Sophia in that once she is prepared to sleep with ONE person outside her marriage, then it allows her to think about sleeping with others.....

Even then Sophia won't become a whore or slut. She may sleep with half a dozen different people but they could well be on different routes. e.g. on different routes Sophia might sleep with (in no particular order) Ellie / Patricia / Alyssa / Sam / Dylan etc.


Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
As for the quality of writing, everyone should accept an average level. English is not mandatory, not all developers are native English speakers, and the ability to juggle from the jargon of repeaters in high school to the Queen's English takes years of study.

The picky ones should demonstrate their linguistic capabilities in a language other than their native language. Only then will we be able to talk.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
Badik updated and you're around? You're the cheating type :cautious:.
The 5000 new DPC renders I thought would keep you busy for at least a month
They certainly do, but I'm not playing games 24/7. And lets not forget about 350+ animations, a great story and writing, music and other bonus features. If only AWAM was able to entertain me this much. Can't have it all I guess.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
Sophia already realises how eager Liam is to sleep with Cathy. I think that will be the pivotal moment for Sophia in that once she is prepared to sleep with ONE person outside her marriage, then it allows her to think about sleeping with others.....

Even then Sophia won't become a whore or slut. She may sleep with half a dozen different people but they could well be on different routes. e.g. on different routes Sophia might sleep with (in no particular order) Ellie / Patricia / Alyssa / Sam / Dylan etc.
For the moment in the code there is no hint that indicates GW or FW for the swinging.
We know that it should happen only on the GW but it is also a old news.
Personally, I agree with TomUK , I don't want that the swing event being the "excuse" for Sophia to cheat or sleep with others. Otherwise this enormous build up would have been almost for nothing, it would feel a simple shortcut to me.
We don't have much information about what and, above all, when it wlll happen. My hope is that it will happen towards the end of the game in the GW and it has little impact on the rest (i.e. if it can happen in the FW too, it will be after the decisive PD 16).


New Member
Apr 2, 2018


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Time for my update.

The "Good":
Content wise I didn't really have any problems with this update. We got EXACTLY what we expected. Natalie had the most progress, which we called; Sam had significant progress, which we called; and Andy & Cathy want to swing, which we called. The images were, as always, gorgeous.

The "Bad":
This update was incredibly tedious to get through, and the writing was awful. The writing was full of typos/syntax/localization errors. The dialog continues to be extremely stilted and rigidly formal. I don't feel like any character sounds unique because they're all so stilted. Yes, Sam talks about different things than Natalie, but the words and style of their dialog is all the same. And it's all sooooo tedious. By the time I got to the scene with Sam in the sauna, even I started to skip over some dialog. It just goes on...and on...and's exhausting. It isn't fun and it isn't interesting, it's self indulgent by L&P who definitely doesn't believe that brevity is the soul of wit. L&P definitely abides by a philosophy of "more is more".

And that philosophy bleeds into the images. There are sooo many images. Too many images. You click and click and click and click and nothing happens. It takes FOREVER to progress through a scene. You're bombarded with tedious dialog and a thousand images that need to be clicked through. The game would actually flow significantly better if the number of images were reduced by 20% and the text reduced by 30%.

I found the dialog so distracting that I don't really know what to make of Sam. I can't tell if L&P is trying to write him as a cringey, creepy, pompous weirdo; or if L&P thinks that he's writing Sam as a sincere and charming love struck kid. Maybe it's because I'm a woman and my experiences are very different from a man like L&P, but guys like Sam exist and they're always giant red flags. Young guys who think they're great at sweet talking like this often grow into poorly adjusted men who think that talking to a woman must consist of one-liners and platitudes. They'll recite poetry, and the LOVE to talk about music. So as I play the Sam scenes I'm not sure if I should find him creepy or if his bullshit is supposed to work well.


This leads me to Sophia herself. I really think that her corruption is moving along well and makes sense, but the Sam stuff pushes the lines of suspension of disbelief. When I tried to shut Sam down I didn't get feedback from Sophia that she was creeped out, just that she thought the situation was going too far. If Sophia had said "Ok, Sam is a creep, I need to shut this down" I may have stuck with those decisions. But every time you allow him to go further Sophia justifies it and admits that she likes what she's hearing, so that tells me that the game wants us to think Sam is charming. As I've said a million times, Day 12 is going to be remembered as the day that the game really picked up steam story wise. If there was a major missed opportunity, it was Sophia not letting Natalie get her off. Considering the situation I think it would have been totally in-character for Sophia to either say yes, or for Natalie to just go for it. L&P is too addicted to the slow burn that he's too quick to smother any embers of fire, and in this case it was a mistake. It would have been great story-wise to actually advance Sophia's sexuality. L&P could have reeled it back in, maybe the postman comes and interupts them and Sophia snaps out of it, but at least we would have seen Sophia take a major step forward in her sexuality instead of a baby step.

Cathy & Andy:
In theory I'm totally fine with this scene, but in practice it just felt tacked on to the update. I liked that it was, relatively, brief and got right to the point. But the dialog absolutely ruined it. It was so fucking painful to get through. It wasn't sexy, it wasn't fun, it wasn't anything other than tedious. It was fine that Sophia and Liam didn't have an answer right away, but nothing about the dialog showed me that these four are old friends who are really close, it all just felt really forced. I like that L&P didn't take 500 images with this scene, and that it was brief, but how he chose to make it brief was the problem. We needed more flirting, more fun, better banter, etc. And, god help me, the images were too static. I know I know, I bitch about the number of images in the update, but this scene either needs a couple more, or it needed different ones. The images were just too boring and didn't help tell a compelling story. It reminded me of the sauna scene with Vicky and DeShawn, just boring back and forth static images; only the sauna scene was hotter. Overall, this scene with Cathy & Andy needed more work.


I give this update 3 out of 5 stars. It was fine. Nothing special. Not terrible. The main problem is that it just takes too long for these updates to come out and they can never justify the time.
I agree - I loved the two scenes (Nathalie and Sam) where the sexual tension definitely ramped up, whilst the other two scenes (Christine/Dylan and Sophia/Liam/Andy/Cathy) were merely set up for future events.

Sophia looked like a true Goddess of Love in that yellow bikini. Definitely got me feeling hot and bothered. Obviously I pushed both Nathalie and Sam to go as far as possible - I do agree that I surprised that Sophia was nt firmer rebutting Sam's cheeky advances.

PS: how did you get on with your score for your planned "Facepalm" bingo??!!
Personally I went for "Ignore" bingo for similar trigger words!!
:D :D


Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
They certainly do, but I'm not playing games 24/7. If only AWAM was able to entertain me this much. Can't have it all I guess.
Just as I thought, you're a cheater :confused:
I watched some Badik vids, minigames and all. Anyone who thinks he's working alone ... needs professional help.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
That's the day done at last. What a day it was, especially from Sophia's POV. Such a busy eventful life, one day almost feels like a year or more......& now we have the prospect of event-based updates. Unlike some of the contributors here, Sophia never has time to be bored. I havn't been bored for five decades myself but for all those who hate long posts, or can't be bothered to read, just put me on ignore. (It's so much more refined than a facepalm).

First, the negative thoughts to get them out of the way & which concern the aforesaid one at a time updates. If a typical day has 8 events & each event takes 3 months, then it will be 2 years for each day. It's possible that it could be faster, of course. Imagine an update every month. (Imagine, then quickly forget it). That would be great but past "custom & practice" tells me otherwise.

Second, is the issue of how pirates will be able to view the updates. We'll have to wait & see but as someone has said in virtually every American movie for the past 40 years, "I have a bad feeling about this." We might have to literally hold on for a "hero," i.e. a technically proficient IT wizard sort of hero.

Now the positive regarding the update & I'm not going to speak about the bar event yet, (though I have something to say), because of a commitment I made to those who are fed up with my diatribes against Sophia's magic bust. [That will come later, or not, dependent on various factors]. Nathalie's event was powerfully erotic & I thoroughly enjoyed it, with the caveat that, like many fans, I thought it should have gone further encompassing nudity & unmistakable sexual contact. Generally speaking, I don't really have a lesbian fetish. It's something I can take or leave but L&P has woven it into the story in a masterful way. So, Nathalie turns out to be unrealistically brazen but at least that created the opening for an entertaining sexual adventure & we're all saying that things need to move forward. I also hope that the choice of Mr. Murray as the Dev's obligatory cock-blocker represents his one & only sexually charged encounter with Sophia.

Basketball practice was my favourite Dylanesque episode so far. There was no incest to speak of & he behaved like the teenger he is. Those of us with sisters could probably relate to him fancying his sister's friend better than those without but either way I still thought it was a worthwhile inclusion, whether it leads to anything or not. When he caught the scent of Christine's perfume & did the double-take on what a gorgeous girl was right beside him, it not only evoked memories but helped to create exactly the right mood for the event. This is a Dylan I could get to like (& believe me that's not easy) & is a far cry from the creep doing the washing-up for the sake of seeing his own mother's body.

When it came to the friends meeting at day's end the atmosphere drained away somewhat. I refer to the matter-of-fact way that an extremely sensitive, potentially friendship ending, subject was handled. I won't bore anyone with the details of a previous post of mine which discussed a situation where myself & a bunch of friends skirted around the issue back in the 70s, at the height of the "swinging" craze, before deciding "no" but I felt that the scene really could have done with more build up & a different discussion in the Parker's marital bed.

Overall I enjoyed this update.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
Badik updated and you're around? You're the cheating type :cautious:.
The 5000 new DPC renders I thought would keep you busy for at least a month
Dude i played BaDik from friday night till now its monday where i am (not non-stop play but i think i played for about 12-14hrs of it in total this weekend) and i gotta say my balls are drained, done, empty not blue like this game would've give me... :ROFLMAO: and i still have 7 scenes from 15 in total to play... so yeah that game is keeping us busy...:KEK:


Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
That's the day done at last. What a day it was, especially from Sophia's POV. Such a busy eventful life, one day almost feels like a year or more......& now we have the prospect of event-based updates. Unlike some of the contributors here, Sophia never has time to be bored. I havn't been bored for five decades myself but for all those who hate long posts, or can't be bothered to read, just put me on ignore. (It's so much more refined than a facepalm).

First, the negative thoughts to get them out of the way & which concern the aforesaid one at a time updates. If a typical day has 8 events & each event takes 3 months, then it will be 2 years for each day. It's possible that it could be faster, of course. Imagine an update every month. (Imagine, then quickly forget it). That would be great but past "custom & practice" tells me otherwise.

Second, is the issue of how pirates will be able to view the updates. We'll have to wait & see but as someone has said in virtually every American movie for the past 40 years, "I have a bad feeling about this." We might have to literally hold on for a "hero," i.e. a technically proficient IT wizard sort of hero.

Now the positive regarding the update & I'm not going to speak about the bar event yet, (though I have something to say), because of a commitment I made to those who are fed up with my diatribes against Sophia's magic bust. [That will come later, or not, dependent on various factors]. Nathalie's event was powerfully erotic & I thoroughly enjoyed it, with the caveat that, like many fans, I thought it should have gone further encompassing nudity & unmistakable sexual contact. Generally speaking, I don't really have a lesbian fetish. It's something I can take or leave but L&P has woven it into the story in a masterful way. So, Nathalie turns out to be unrealistically brazen but at least that created the opening for an entertaining sexual adventure & we're all saying that things need to move forward. I also hope that the choice of Mr. Murray as the Dev's obligatory cock-blocker represents his one & only sexually charged encounter with Sophia.

Basketball practice was my favourite Dylanesque episode so far. There was no incest to speak of & he behaved like the teenger he is. Those of us with sisters could probably relate to him fancying his sister's friend better than those without but either way I still thought it was a worthwhile inclusion, whether it leads to anything or not. When he caught the scent of Christine's perfume & did the double-take on what a gorgeous girl was right beside him, it not only evoked memories but helped to create exactly the right mood for the event. This is a Dylan I could get to like (& believe me that's not easy) & is a far cry from the creep doing the washing-up for the sake of seeing his own mother's body.

When it came to the friends meeting at day's end the atmosphere drained away somewhat. I refer to the matter-of-fact way that an extremely sensitive, potentially friendship ending, subject was handled. I won't bore anyone with the details of a previous post of mine which discussed a situation where myself & a bunch of friends skirted around the issue back in the 70s, at the height of the "swinging" craze, before deciding "no" but I felt that the scene really could have done with more build up & a different discussion in the Parker's marital bed.

Overall I enjoyed this update.
Nothing about Sam :confused:


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
I used my fingers to count to 10 and I just guessed at the 30+. Anywho too many variables and to many paths for me.o_O:poop:
I have a spreadsheet to calculate everything. But it was nice to actually confirm something
Is there a scene where Dylan kisses the nipple of his mom?
thank you
:LOL::LOL::LOL: No. Dylan hasn't even got a proper kiss on the lips yet. The best he's got is a chaste kiss on the cheek. The "insidious" kiss on the lips he got at the soccer game, like seeing Sophia and Patricia naked, he needed to steal.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
Just as I thought, you're a cheater :confused:
I watched some Badik vids, minigames and all. Anyone who thinks he's working alone ... needs professional help.
Guess I'm in dire need for professional help then. But wait, he has a group of people helping him with the beta testing of the game. Does that count?
3.20 star(s) 484 Votes