
Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
That's a player's view, l&p would need 16K a month just to bring in the same total moneys. Not worth it for him.
The players view is the only thing that matters and it's foolish to think otherwise. It's the player's view that pays the bills. Enhancing the players view yields more money. At the end of the day happy players mean more money. It's about returns on investment. At the current pay rate of 5500 per month that is more than enough to live off of comfortably and focus on the project completely. Updates could be coming much faster & money could be made much higher from that. You are insane if you think they need 16k a month to make the same amount of money. Even without hiring any staff at all simply focusing more on the game instead of the side job would yield more money. If 40 hours a week are put into the game it's currently making over $30 an hour. What kind of "side job" does a college student have that makes more than that? Also the college is ultimately a money sink anyways. All that tuition and student loan debts could go away and just live as an entrepreneur spending on the game instead of college would yield more money long run.
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
You are insane if you think they need 16k a month to make the same amount of money.
I could be insane! :D

If he finishes the game 3 times faster he would need 16K a month to make the same total amount, and if he has to pay help and buy equipment even more. :)


New Member
Jun 30, 2017
The AWAM Cycle Theory:
* Almost everyone playing this game for the first time: "holy Jesus! Best game everrr!! Im gonna pledge to the dev's patreon right away!!"
* Then you start waiting for the updates every 1.5 months only to get 50 different renders of the MC driving/walking to somewhere, 50 different renders of every single conversation no matter how trivial or pointless, and a grand total of 5 renders of MC's cleavage or pubes from weird angles and with bad lighting but enough to tease you & keep you excited to wait for the next update 1.5 month from now. The story barely moves forward. The characters barely develop. But, the renders are beautiful, story's good enough and there's barely any other games in this female protag/slow corruption/incest genre.
* You'd go on Patreon & F95 to see other people's opinions and you see a mixed bag of criticisms from those who only play these games for the sex-scenes + those with genuine constructive criticisms, as well as L&P loyalists who'd gang up on those who criticize the dev & the game + high praises from those who just started playing the game & have no clue where the criticisms come from or what the arguments are about.
* 3 weeks or so passes by and dev's barely communicating on Patreon, only posting a preview pic every week and barely answering the comments. You start to think maybe you should stop pledging to the dev for a while.
* Dev's patreon numbers go down through the month as ppl get tired of waiting and he'd very subtly hint in a random comment that he might drop the project cuz he has classes & don't make enough $ blah blah blah. The loyalists panic & feel threatened so they up their pledges to keep the numbers steady while the dev & everyone else start building hype about the next update in the weeks leading up to release.
* A few days before release, hype is to the max. Even those who constantly criticize the game & hate everything about it are suddenly on board and waiting for the "big" event that's going to take place in this update, hoping that it's THE event lol.
* Update releases to a mixed reception. The cycle continues. L&P keeps earning his $5k/month while refusing to hire anyone to help him with the renders (or any other stage of development for that matter) to speed up the process.
This is gold Jerry, GOLD!


Active Member
Apr 28, 2017
jesus man....the linguistic mistakes are killing me....what the hell does this even mean? Punctuation and grammar pls else it completely breaks the flow Screenshot_1.jpg


Jul 29, 2018
Can someone answer me with i can go only lesbian (of course with the exception of the husband) and get all the lesbian content without have to get Filthy points with any male of the game? maybe i am just asking to much for a route lesbian only :/(sorry with my text have to much erros my english sucks)


Sep 23, 2017
Can someone answer me with i can go only lesbian (of course with the exception of the husband) and get all the lesbian content without have to get Filthy points with any male of the game? maybe i am just asking to much for a route lesbian only :/(sorry with my text have to much erros my english sucks)
In theory, yes. Dev said that Good wife and Lesbian are compatible paths.

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
The paradox that this creator has created for themself is frustrating to me. They are at about 5500 per month now.

The claim they make is that at 6500 they will quit the part time job & hire an assistant & upgrade their hardware to get things done faster.

The second claim is that at 8000 they will quit college do the game full time & hire even more staff.

By "holding back" now with keeping this side job, not hiring staff, not upgrading the machine, and still going to college they release more slowly than they could. These very things that they claim they will do will make more money for them, but they won't do it until they are making more money in the first place.

If they cut the bullshit, and hired enough staff and upgraded machine enough and quit all the side shit right now and 100% focus on the game they would be soon making 15-20,000 a month with updates coming in 2-3 weeks not 6-7 weeks, but they won't do that until they are already there yet.

So they are purposely stuck in development hell.

If this project were a space program it would be as if the overall goal is to make it to Mars. However, the rocket fuel needed to get to Mars is not going to be bought until the ship is over halfway to Mars. Put the Fuel in NOW and it will fucking get there! but no, the ship gonna have to make a stupid return trip to space station blue balls, again and again, to refuel the thing to go slightly closer to the current goal of halfway to of Mars but returning each time to get more fuel making it slightly closer to that critical half way point. Cut that return trip shit give the thing the fucking fuel it needs and get it there! This project could be really moving and advancing with updates every 2-3 weeks and making so much more money than it currently is but it's so much wasted energy caught in the arbitrarily created red tape by the creator that doesn't have the balls to put the fuel in b/c they are not 100% sure they will get the desired funding in the end.
After income tax it's a bit less. And don't think creators doesn't need to pay tax of this. If they ignore that and get found out The penality isn't nice. The IRS man (or the equivalent in your country), will spank you ;p

Creators that state they will quit jobs, college etc and focus full time on their game. That sounds rather silly. Unless you have some terrible low key job. Education stick with you for rest of the life, so dropping out of college for this.. meeeh.

Also, not all creators really want to turn their hobby into a small business, hire people and so on. It come with responsibility.

More money doesn't necessary mean faster updates. If you got x hours a day to spend on the project, and you actually use those hours a day doing so. Can't really accuse any for slacking either then. People tend to get upset when some creator get success and gain traction. When release speed stays the same.

If money was the only thing that matter, then a game such as DC's Summertime Saga should been done ages ago seeing it pull like 50k a month (before tax).


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
This VN's plot moves slower than a soap opera. How can you have an update where NOTHING happens? Nothing, and not just sans sex.
You had the daughter and her friend who have started to become sexually involved changing into bikinis together at the beach and nothing. Hell even if they just flirted it would have been something.
Maybe the dev. doesn't want to sully his adult VN with actual sex.
Not everyone likes the same things, I get that. If you like this VN than OK its a good game for you. But all I see is potential with no follow through. For me I'll wait a few months before I check in to see if anything happens.


Mar 18, 2019
Also the college is ultimately a money sink anyways. All that tuition and student loan debts could go away and just live as an entrepreneur spending on the game instead of college would yield more money long run.
He's from Germany. There is no tuition.

How can you have an update where NOTHING happens? Nothing, and not just sans sex.
Did you even play the Dylan part?


Oct 27, 2018
This game is blue balls to the maximum...Really dont get the developer... how is their no type of sex scene yet... if i was the developer i would have sophie dream (reallynaughty dream) of sam and dylan... for example sophie is dreaming of helping dylan with his problem that he had on the beach handjob...blowjob..etc. Also sophie is dreaming that sam is masturbating while hes peeking and she is taking her clothes off in his event.... things like that is whats missing in this game that can start sophie being more lustfull or naughy... whatever you wanna call it


Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
Sam's part was really enjoyable. Unfortunately, nothing for me except for that so it wasn't even 5 minutes. But still, quite nice 5 minutes. It's so annoying that those mindless incest parts are so popular but I guess it's just a matter of marketing to keep them active. I really hoped for promised Carl scene but quality and branching drop each update so I doubt I'll see anything except for Sam. Still, wish for more of Sam next time

Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
This game is blue balls to the maximum...Really dont get the developer... how is their no type of sex scene yet... if i was the developer i would have sophie dream (reallynaughty dream) of sam and dylan... for example sophie is dreaming of helping dylan with his problem that he had on the beach handjob...blowjob..etc. Also sophie is dreaming that sam is masturbating while hes peeking and she is taking her clothes off in his event.... things like that is whats missing in this game that can start sophie being more lustfull or naughy... whatever you wanna call it
When is your game coming out? The game is what it is, not what we want it to be.
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Joshua Tree

Conversation Conqueror
Jul 10, 2017
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion... and its not just me my friend
Opinions is like bumholes! We all got them and they split down the middle. Regardless, the creator make the game he set out to make and we either play it and like it (or at least get content), or throw it away and find something else to play. Games have an awful tendency to end up ruined and run into a ditch when the "fan's" start get to much influence or say in the direction of the game.
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Sep 23, 2017
Enhancing the players view yields more money. At the end of the day happy players mean more money.
Little addition to what @ Joshua Tree post earlier.
Happy players mean more money - thats true, but it's not that easy to make all players happy. It's common problem for all games not only with "early access": the game has its own audience, but different playest have different views on what should the devr do in general / in next update / with the story / with particular character / etc. I personally remember several cases when devs starts the poll "Which way we should go", part of the audience choose first option, other part of the audience choose second option and both parts starts whining on dev's forum "If you'll do this the game will be dead for me" or "If you don't do this you'll confirm that you just milking money".

Another important thing, that actually little bit strange for me, that as far as I understand none of those who complain about the game and lack of sexual content didn't bother to contact the dev via his page on Patreon. There are comments on his posts and the section of game's community, why not go there and write your vision of the problems of the game?

Maybe the dev. doesn't want to sully his adult VN with actual sex.
He already said that there will be a lot of actual sex, but later because "it's a gradual depravation process of the MC".


Mar 18, 2019
70% of whats happening ingame could be shorter and explained trough dialouge instead of 1800 renders that show stuff you dont need for narration nor character development.
That would be my only complain. There are too many unnecessary renders that slow this great project down.
3.20 star(s) 485 Votes