If there is so much diversity of opinion concerning Liam in particular is because the author has not conveyed the idea correctly, and not because the whole internet does not appreciate his work, which is very detailed and done with great care, but is not perfect. A little bit of self-criticism might be good for a while!
People simply view Liam as a weak cuck character - since the 3/4 of the game is about it. It is hard to like it in that circumstances. It also makes me dislike him personaly.
But honestly speaking - he is not a bad guy. In there are people interested in good wifes route - he is a decent character to follow. He is good looking, fit, has a good job and everything going for him. It is just the bias we feel towards him from the Filthy route that makes him unlikeable.
I can tell L&P truly wanted to make Good Wife route important half of the game at first, but most of the players are not interested in it much. As an author he wants to give those who do the best possible experience however - and he is right to defend Liam in that regard.
Overall I can tell L&P is a really really smart guy, he earned the right to be entitled to his opinions. This game is made with many diffrent potencial players in mind, some liking lesbian stuff, some liking cheating and hardcore stuff, some into vanilla.
Everyone is bound to find parts of the story, and characters they dont like, or are not interested in, but it is not the reason to bash the author for.
May everyone enjoy the parts of the game that are tailored to their tastes, and let others do the same.