I agree. There was a missed opportunity there in Dylan's POV. When Patricia caught Dylan looking around through the mirrors and made comments at the end of that scene about how Dylan was looking at Sophia and it was kinky, L&P could have added a little more there. After Patricia went over to help Dylan then she went over to Sophia to help her with that Yoga downward-facing dog stance, and she told Sophia to move her hips higher in the air. L&P could have had Patricia call Dylan over to assist her by holding onto Sophia, like the Swinsuit Pool scene where Dylan push up on Sophia back. During that time as Dylan was assisting, Patricia could have shown him to place one hand underneath her waist to force her high in the stretch and put her other hand on Sophia's Chest and had Dylan copy her on the other side of her body to demonstrate. This could have Sophia stay silent for a Filthy Point and a Patricia and Dylan point or have her move on to another pose.
But instead, we get Pinky Package Scene with Patricia and another round, I believe his fourth, Dylan's "First Person Shooter Scene".