That's a fair point but then again no video game, however big the development team and its funding, has ever allowed players to take any and all actions in any and every scenario nor has any video game ever accounted for every single possibility, cuz like, developers and players have different imaginations and stuff so it's like, impossible anyway so probably not even an admirable goal, let alone a practical one, so there are always constraints on player actions and possible outcomes.
In direct response, do we really need L&P to render and code different outcomes where if Sophie decides to diddle Ellie in shower #4 then Liam walks in and all hell breaks loose, whereas if she stops at soaping up her vulva in #4 but but doesn't penetrate then when Liam walks in and it's all easily explained away? Does that level of granularity and that plurality of possibilities really help L&P tell the story or us appreciate it more? And then weigh the trade offs in terms of the development time.
While it was definitely very important early on to establish her thoughts and feelings at each phase of a sequence, at this point in the story and character development the points don't need to accrue in such small steps and the branches don't need so many micro-steps.
I consider Liam raging and blowing up everything a very likely and plausible outcome. That can (and probably will) be a points test such as if Filthy > GW*3 then kaboom, if Filthy > GW*2 then we need to have a talk, if Filthy > GW then Liam's a clueless dope and Sophia can continue her frolicking, else she hasn't been up to enough mischief to cause a marital problem anyway.
I must re-emphasize, I'm not complaining about the story or the characters or the scenarios or the multiple paths, I'm just proposing a 10-15% cut in time between updates to be achieved by tightening things up around the margins. If this game is on a (cough) 360-day development per playable day rate, which it isn't, shaving a month or two off of each full playable day saves about 2 years in total development time.