Thanks Apollodore for the clarification. For me it was never about the figure itself. It was more the way that I felt that L&P was boasting about the time as if that was in itself a good thing because it proves his pursuit of never-ending perfection.
This at the same time that L&P appeared to boast that this forthcoming "small" update had required an additional 56% of extra renders as if that was also in itself a good thing.
Thumbs up for your post! L&P´s message rubbed me likewise the wrong way. He either never learned that sometimes less is more in storytelling or is using mass to obfuscate his stretching out of the development cycle.
L&P´s crowing about the 56% more renders drives home that he does not get there are scenes/chapters in a story or game where describing/showing too much lessen the impact of it. There are situations where you have to nudge the brain and/or imagination of the reader to get the best impression instead of hitting him/her with your own interpretation in the face.
L&P comes across as someone who is paid by word/picture count alone and that is sad. As I said it in my discussion with Bane71, L&P produces too many filler pics, especially remembering his rendering speed which is challenged by a snail. The pics all look great, but depending on the scene in question, 1/10-1/3 of the pics are fillers, showing some Kleinklein you would not miss, instead of focussing on the impact renders or different ways/perspectives of showing it.
If his rendering speed would be higher, it would not be good, but less problematic. Unfortunately, L&P´s working speed is so slow, that him showing (to say it very pointedly) Sophia admiring the morning lye roll on the table represents several days of L&P´s work, which will never play a role at all in the game.
He is either lost in details or is deliberately and slyly slowing down update output with it. It is painful to see that, because he seems to not understand that keeping this up, is unsustainable in the long run.