There are many ethnicities in Germany. There are nearly 5 million Turks living in Germany, an unknown # of Syrians, Iraqi's. etc..., And yes many Africans from many countries. What is L&P? Hmmmm, I would say we have no clue. Which is what you just showed of yourself.
For those interested in trying to identify L&P's ethnicity or country of origin (for what it's worth), a born and bred German citizen might offer some clues whether he's native German or not via L&P's phrasing of written grammar, especially prior to final translation/publication. My own scant knowledge of German, having once lived there, suggests he is not, particularly as many educated Germans already have a pretty good grasp of English through their education system. Depending entirely on the individual. That said, I have noted his grammar has gradually improved through a time span.
So, if there are any Germans following this who'd wish to speculate? I must add, I am not German.
This is all here-say, and it matters not a dot. What's important is delivering a game that can be regularly updated, enjoyed and discussed, whoever the genius is. The only clue I have, and this is highly speculative, is a post I read several years ago on the AWAM Patreon forum, from someone claiming to know L&P indicating he migrated to Germany, so not of German origin. If so, we should applaud his enterprise.
And I repeat, this information is completely speculative and absolutely unconfirmed.