You need to understand that the blackmail fulfils the fantasy of having a degree of control over a beautiful, sophisticated, intelligent woman. That's what erotic fiction is for, adult fantasies. Sophia becoming depraved would be a real turn-off. Sophia becoming a nympho, prostitute or all-purpose slut....likewise. There are more than enough games catering for those tastes. She may become more corrupted but if she starts to relish the tasks too much, then it's not blackmail but a tacitly agreed, sex game played by two consenting parties.
You don't like blackmail, fine. There's an opt-out on it's way. I don't like incest but I've never ranted about my distaste, because fans should more or less know what they might encounter in a corruption game, which AWAM still purports to be, last time I checked. Blackmail is present in so many corruption stories involving the sexual exploits of an originally less adventurous character. AWAM, for some reason, has sparked more self-righteous anti-blackmail outrage than anything I've ever played. Yes, we get invested in characters & no, we don't want any long-term serious harm to befall them but it must not be overlooked that these are fictional, pixel people.
I do think that it might have been Bennett who was the better candidate for the story's blackmailer & I've also written about possible stronger reasons for it than those we've been given for both villains. Bennett was sidelined, IMO, because of anti-blackmail hysteria, amongst other things. Then Aiden came along & away we went again. This forthcoming opt-out will, hopefully, put an end to my tenure as the thread's resident blackmail defender & interpreter. I started playing & joined the discussion years ago, (before blackmail was in the story) & find myself repeating a similar theme for each new generation of players.
Thinking about another recently posted topic. I'll say that the day even a hint of bestiality occurs in AWAM, is the day I will uninstall. That's not corruption, it's something else & again there are games catering for animal antics. They have no place in an erotic work of fiction with ambitions to be more realistic than most games/VNs.