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I think nobody really want a sex scene with the MC at this stage of the story (if there is one, it must be with the husband, even if it is a sex scene that the MC doesn't enjoy), but want to known what you are capable of in this domain, which is a domain in itself. It can be done in several ways as the sexual frustration of the MC increases : a dream, a masturbation, she can peep an encounter, or her son or daughter masturbation, even a fantasie as she watch a male or female in swinsuit. The MC can touch her breast even with clothes and have a very erotic scene. Somedy can massage her shoulders, even her hands and have an erotic scene. You have shown a lot of stories, but none are erotic. There are infinite solutions to show erotism without a sex scene with the MC. It doesn't even have to be a penetration. Of course, you will answer that i want early sex with MC. NO !!!!!! bla bla bla ... I don't even want nudity. I want erotism, you can speak forever, sorry I haven't see OR EVEN READ something close to erotism. I understand absolutly your opinion to not have an early sex scene with the MC AND I TOTALLY AGREE, but please, and for your OWN INTEREST show us something.
And you can avoid the subject forever if you show nothing, you will get nothing.
It is the way it works ! is it an adult game or not ? If it is, show something, EVEN TEXT ONLY EROTISM .
It will be very painfull to have this project to be delayed and even stopped because it have insufficient fundings because you want to implement your perfect backstory before anything else. You will fall in the trap of "BigBrother" where the sex scene is always delayed to the point that if it appears it will be the end of the game. If you are delaying to have the perfect athmosphere, and if your scene is not absolutly perfect in all domains, you will loose all. On the contrary, if you introduce erotism step by step, you can even find with the reactions what is working and what not
Please consider it
EDIT: even a scene with only text can show erotism if we can read the thoughts of thje MC about her frustrations. erotism is a domain. You have shown your abilities in a lot of domains but not in erotism.. So let's go, show eveybody I am wrong and you can write something that evybody can identify as erotism, even without modify your story telling. Put a dream will change your story telling ? She can remenber her first orgasms with her husband, even without renders of the scene in itself. Find on internet erotic novels with female protagonist, the descriptions, the thoughts, the feelings, the dreams ...
So do it, show erotism !!