Oh 'armion82', you are so wrong!!!
If you live in Germany and get caught for incest or bestiality you will a long long time breath "gesiebte Luft" (use GOOGLE to translate
You you are actually wrong and armion82 is right. Incest and bestiality is not forbidden by law. But of course you can go to jail, if you try to make a baby with your sister or mother. In the other hand a relationship with your cousin is fine and will not be punished by law. (all European Royal-Houses are build on incest)
In the matter of bestiality the law classify an animal as a creature without rights, this means an object - the same as a phone. You can go to jail for destroying the object (in some heavy cases), but you will not go to jail for fucking your dog or horse. Later one will punished as "public offense" (Ordnungswidrigkeit) nothing more.
"Gesiebte Luft"?! Even as a German I never heard this phrase.. "[...] hinter schwedischen Gardinen sitzen" is more common as "Gesiebte Luft". I guess it is a local thing.
EDIT Dec. 22.:
@DirkP thank you for pointing out these two §§:
In the case of bestiality: it is forbidden by law since 2013. But as said before, you will not go to jail for that. It will be a public offense and punished with a fine up to 25,000 Euro - no prison time.
In the case of incest: Incest is forbidden by law, see §173 StGB. Also as said before, incest between Aunt, uncle, cousin etc. is not forbidden. Forbidden is only sex between (grand-)parents, children and siblings (punishable up to 3 years in prison). Going to jail for that is unlikely and there is a high chance for the case being drop for triviality (§ 153 StPO). [However, §173 StGB is controversial in Germany and there is actually a strong political movement to change §173 StGB to decriminalize incest between (Grand-)parents, children and siblings.]
armion82's statement about Germany being liberal towards incest and bestiality is after all correct compare to other countries. DirkP's statement is also correct regards the two topics being forbidden by German Law. But he is incorrect about the punishment.