They are huge. I refer you to the fact that she said they were 36D, with the builders in the kitchen. That's how they looked back then. [That's the "first one," not the air bags that came later]. They now look 3 or 4 sizes bigger, thanks to the Dev & his morphs & Sophia is disproportionate & top heavy. Big busts aren't sexy if they're not in proportion. You've already got Sophia with the stereotypical MILF bust, in the image of a schoolboy fantasy of an attractive older woman. She looks as though she's had plastic surgery, or has trouble with water retention. It may be that she's gone from a 44DD to a 42 or whatever but they're still far too big & enter the room 10 seconds before she does.
Sophia's sporting & exercise activities such as swimming, yoga, basketball, gym sessions, jogging, etc., are all prone to reduce breast size not increase it, not to forget a busy life-style. L&P has seen fit to enlarge his MC to an XL, I presume in order to please his youthful fans, breasts which in real life would require alterations to her clothes to accommodate the outsize inflatables she's been given.
I've written this a dozen times or more, usually at greater length. Blowing up Sophia's breasts as though with a garage forecourt foot-pump & making Dylan an official second MC, are the two worst errors in AWAM IMO & for me represent where the rot really started, which turned an excellent erotic adult VN into a slower than average paced but still averagely written teen porn game.
I want someone to tell the Dev that not all fans are 14-15-16 year old virgins, still at school & needing their Mammy to tell them how to go on with women & we don't all get our kicks from beachball breast syndrome.