Is it just me that sees the Steam launch as premature? The game has just started with the mid game and not much has happened yet except for teasing (beside the good wife path).
What also puzzles me is how much time this Steam launch will cost. If that's more than 2-3 weeks, then I don't think it's a good idea. Also, I wonder what steam's policy is for this type of game. Does AWAM go through there, or does L&P have to work with the Landlady preplacement there as well.
I think the Steam launch has already soaked up Many hours of preparation time - like time he could have spent on this current event but instead spent working on Steam/the remaster of content for Steam.
I don't see a reason to go with the Landlady/tenant ruse as that is just to soothe the PC police at Patreon. - the old 'wink wink, nudge nudge, grin grin' nothing incestuous to see here Mate...
I'm not even curious if this is just an attempt at a $ grab or also some form of validation to see how AWAM will compare with some of the great Steam successes like
Being A DIK.
To me - this is Just another
day year in the life of watching AWAM compete with continental drift to see which is slower.
I'm certain that a Steam release is just another excuse/reason for some of the recent slowdown in development of AWAM.
I think AWAM is the first AVN on Steam that I will not at least wishlist because of how disingenuous L&P has been to current and former supporters.
So - where will the cutoff for the Steam release be?
I think it's the end of the current PD.
IF we see Dylan get some kind of physical release from Sophia - it's not because it was originally part of the story - it's because L&P needs to show something significant to help lure people into buying AWAM on Steam.
I think he gets one shot at Steam this decade.
Given the Very slow development time, a second Steam release, containing let's say 5 more PDs, would not be available for another 12+ years (using the current development time of 2.5 years/PD) so no Steam update until the mid 2030's.
I'll close by abusing a song that comes to mind - an oldie but goodie,
In the year 2525:
In the year 2525, if AWAM is still alive
Will we have reached PD 29?
Will L&P still tell us everything is fine?