Like you I am a not a patron so he can take as much time as he likes and if his patrons are happy with this so be it what I dislike is the way that AwAm has changed and is now turning into yet another run of the mill porn game.
That is my biggest criticism: the focus of some of the updates.
Would i like the updates to be quicker? Of course.
Especially since he makes them smaller and smaller slices of each playable day, now down to only a single event. (One could even argue the last event was broken up into *two* updates.)
But, i'm a filthy pirate, so im getting what i paid for, so, meh.
No, my biggest criticism, largely because of the slow update, is the bullshit filler content he spends an entire update on. This isnt "A Son and Brother", so he shouldnt be wasting an entire update, especially if takes him 3months or whatever, going over Dylan's side story shit if Sophia is not involved.
Looking at the gallery for part 2, there are 2 wasted updates and 1 partially.
'Jennifer Blackmailed' I say partially because at least Sophia was looking in, so she was influenced by the event, even if not directly involved.
But 'The Graduate' and 'Laundromat Story'? Neither one had anything to do with Sophia.
If L&P is looking to trim the fat on his story, while removing minor side characters is one approach, not going off in the weeds and wasting an entire update on someone that isnt Sophia should be first on the list.