He makes it sound like no one else in the world would be able to understand his great vision and create the scenes he wants. Apparently, every other artist can work with others to get their ideas across in an expedited manner, but not the great tormented genius of L&P. He doesn't seem to understand that having others work with him can give him different viewpoints on how scenes can be implemented that he wouldn't necessarily be able to come up with on his own. He's stuck in his own mindset and can't see the forest for the trees.
LP comes off poorly as always, but there are legitimate reasons for him to not hire anyone for art.
- Obviously artists for hire who make art on LP's level and could emulate his style are not cheap. Most good commission artists charge $50 or more per render. Hiring an artist to create entire scenes or significant numbers of renders will get very expensive very quickly.
- LP is very picky with his scenes and how they are made. Because of this, I doubt another artist would make anything faster. Not to mention being micromanaged would also make them charge more. If anything, it could slow down things more. See the animations.
So yeah, I don't think having an artist would do anything at all. The only potential "art" help that could actually make him faster is someone to set up the environments (since he sometimes kitbashes things together) but how much time that would save is probably insignificant.
The only things, at this point, that could make this game faster are...
1 - An editor/writer helper. It's obvious at this point that LP does in fact not have the story already written, or if he did he didn't stick to it. It's also becoming more obvious that LP knows that the story has issues, such as him saying he may cut the side-jobs to focus on the main stuff. A story helper could make his life a lot easier, assuming he'd actually take them seriously.
2 - I've said this on the OT thread a while ago. Be more efficient. People focus on the raw number of renders or how many renders per day. That isn't as important as how efficiently they're used. Each of these "single event" updates (which aren't actually single events, but several events in a single event "arc") have several hundred renders, some approaching 500. That used to be the total of an entire day.
These two things combined would be a big boost. A writer helper to trim the fat, half of the past two Dylan updates could've been cut and achieved the same results. And because of that, you'd also need fewer renders to make a day's worth of content. And if he is more efficient with that smaller number of renders, that days worth of content would be a lot quicker to make.