Hi, i think everything what you described above is very true but the true is that you and many of us including me are wanting some creator that make a game quicklier because we all hate to wait and we are not gonna to see some different ,at the end is clear what is gonna happen how fast we would like to get this game is what we really wish. But the creator found out how to earn money with that and that is the reason why is not going to get quicklier then he has to someway survive. I suggested LP to finish the game quicklier and create many differents option with sophia like Sophia Cuckolding Liam or Sophia becoming pregnant etc but he didnt want that way. He nows that Sophia as product in this game is his key to earn money. So the only thing here is just not to pay and wait until his product lose value because some other artist will create a better game giving the costumer what they want. We all will see that day coming and he will not be able to react quickly to keep his suppoters