Well, well, well. If it is really true that also his SS site is taken down, like I have said before, I hope he has put some of his milking flow on the bank. And be able to live on the luxurious life he was able to live doing nothing but grabbing money from his patreons. Which, from my point of view he is not allowed because of never delivering. I really like to see going from max 17K a month to almost nothing. Desperately trying to make $65 previews.... Yeah rite! Asking not to share here.
Well I am not waiting for these shit previews. Never asked for it. He can put them in a place where the sun doesn't shine. All I want is to make AWAM the game it was when it released. A decent update in some months. But that would be whishful thinking I guess.
Because removing SS really spells trouble for him. But he is slipperier than a jar of eels. Hope I found the right translation because I am not native English. But most of you are getting what I mean.
That being said is yes, Karma given him the blueballs we all have been given past years. And I don't feel sorry not a second for him. Whatever the reason may me that his accounts were taken down doesn't interest me a shit. I am only glad it happened and looking forward how he will save his ass.
My dad told me when I was little that when you lie, you have to rember a lot. Well this dev has no room in his head for the game because he has to remember so much..........
But after all.............. Still looking forward to the next update and how this saga will go on.