Small Q&A:
-Regardless of the length of each one... Both the 1st and 2nd side jobs will have the same amount of events?
- About Dylan's next event:
-As far as we know, the next event is Dylan's soccer game. Could this be considered a Dylan event? I mean, will Dylan be the main character, or is there another character (besides Sophia) who will also be important?
Doesn't LP know the definition of "cuck"? (Dylan's role cannot be big.)
Or are LP trying to play on words like last time, like “being wealthy doesn't means being wealthy”?
And contrary to what he usually says, he has no clear plan and is only now coming up with a story. (As everyone already knows.)
If this is how it is, there will continue to be problems.
Scene errors, collapse of initial setup, weak story, repetitive use of the same scene, and long and boring dialogues......
He has to think about why there are two Sophia/Dylan events on Saturday, and if there is no Sophia/Danelle handjob scene, he has make Dylan's cuck event scene very short, this time.