Personally I'll just wait until the ride is finished and then give it a spin. Hell, I haven't even played the game yet. All I wanna see is that hot mom model getting boned. And I can wait. I can wait a long time. :evilsmile:
Takes time to build a roller-coaster, people. Come back when he gets to the drop. Until then, no point in complaining. It's only 0.02. I'd be surprised if there's any game out there with that version number and a shit-ton of H-scenes. Any decent game anyway.
And this is totally fine.
You like it or you don't... mighty fine. Not all this things are for everybody.
You wait or you don't... again, pacience is a virtue, but not all of us have the same strength.
But you can't complain and whine, with the goal of changing the core of the game or the artist's vision.
That's not gonna happen. And that kind of messages just blow up into flamewars.
So criticism is good and necessary, you can even be a jerk if you are really dissapointed, but the game is what it is, deal with it.
re: "But my point is that the game is what it is... it's not gonna change, so you are in for the ride or not."
Isn't that the same for all games? Anyway, for this one I'm not riding. It's bored me shitless.
Great. That's my point.
You can dislike something... even give a few pointers so it gets better.
But in this last years, the main kind of reviews I see are basically people telling the creator what they would have done so X concept was more akin to THEIR OWN SELFISH tastes.
It's not about what a game/film/book is, more about what I wanted it to be and how dares the creator to follow other path.
And then said person would list all the things that didn't work FOR HIM so the creator sees and changes it because that's the motherfucking law.