Snof, I'm not happy with the situation at all. In fact, I expressed my opinion on the matter several times on this board and his member page. I am vocal about L&P work and have praised and criticized his work. Now, In my opinion, He is taking too long between updates, which I believe is the result of too many cutscenes and renders. Also, Made comments in the past and didn't' really address the issue when it became a problem, which is causing a PR issue for letting it fester. Also, L&P has too many side characters with too many plots which consist of the side stories and the continued character additions. In fact, the game is already too big for him to handle, which he needs to reevaluate his process to help him bring it down to a manageable level if he continues to fly solo on his project to avoid getting burned out or hire people to help him with development.
Now with that said, I believe you missed the point of my comment. The point was L&P, although he taking too long to make updates and he can be argumentive, has yet to stop producing his novel which takes roughly six months to complete for one gameday whereas Isctor started off well with his updates, only taking a couple of months to produce. Then in March of 2019, he started to slow down and came to a stop, which resulted in a health issue for 2 months for April and May then extended it in June, but started back up on the game in mid or end of June slowly. From that point, he released Milfy City 6c around October and it was incomplete missing animations. Isctor stated that he would bring out the completed version in November and it turned out it went into December. From there, after he released Milfy City 6e and stated he would release updates every couple of months. And now it's July after he made that statement from December of last year, where he admitted he lost interest, reneged on his statement for updates in a couple of months, ban or global mute members (Patreon included) from discord if they ask questions about the update timeframe, and he has a team helping him with his work. Also; there is no update as of yet.
So the point to my comment is there are other developers who have a larger membership base and making more money but are doing as far worst in terms of production, from my example above in this statement.