I'm generally impressed with the story so far and applaud L&P for stepping up the standard of games. Some of them out there are pretty lame.... but, I feel like others that recent updates have missed out slightly. Maybe L&P is a little distracted by all our thoughts on Blue Balling etc. and trying a bit too hard to appease certain fans or Patreons and needs to go back to his very first release and have a good look at it.
What I mean is, the characters seem to have become a bit dowdy and lost their Sexiness. I feel we have just passed a split point in the main character now after the Subway incident. The latest update, I look at Sophia at the School and she has her shirt fully buttoned. Perhaps the Sophia that was attacked should be dressed like this, now uncomfortable in her skin, but the Sophia that's naughty and smiled at the Hobo's and has 40 slutty points should perhaps have a few buttons undone and showing a bit as she has become more used to exposing herself (wet tshirts, burst shirts etc). If you study the first scenes at the Airport all the main characters are dressed pretty loose. Sophia's Sister has a see through top, her daughter is exposing her thong.
Its a good story and I hope L&P sticks to the original goals and visions they set out and lets others play about with the characters elsewhere meanwhile to keep the troops entertained. Looking forward to the next update and the next round of arguments too. It's a testament to this game to their is 282 pages here and a Fan Zone.