Anyone who's ever undertaken any kind of martial arts training knows that it takes a very long time just to get fit enough to begin properly learning the techniques. Dylan had the advantage of being super fit because of his football (soccer) training & playing. It's still hard to believe that he's now capable of dropping a heavy set man, even if said opponent was not fit &/or half-drunk. He's like a new Bruce Lee & he'll probably be a 10th Dan by his early 20's. [What a singularly remarkable youth he is to be sure]. He was so intimidating that he froze a bunch of belligerent, anti-social hobos to their seats. I mean they only outnumbered him 4 to 1, so it wouldn't have been a realistic proposition for them to do anything else, now would it?
It's good that it looks like I now don't have to play the Sophia/Dylan route. I'm looking forward to a happy(ish) relationship for Dylan & Emma.
So, a main issue for me is whether to start the game again & go for the first side-job, which I did originally but then changed to the second because the first seemed so dull. I may be old but that doesn't mean I have the Summer/Winter age fetish. If the 2nd side job is to be the way of genuine shota, it's not much of a choice....& I only have 6-7 months to decide.
Still, I'm enjoying Aiden's progress tremendously, finding Cathy absolutely delectable, (yes, I liked the Liam segment), looking forward to seeing excellent Alyssa again & curious about Sam's concert. It's all to play for, provided the game continues.