Once again into the breach:
1) Pardon me, but your first point is defensive shilly-shally! Most of the Devs/Games I mentioned are in the same league of graphics quality as AWAM. Just stating AWAM is superior is simply Bias and dissing others work. Here are some examples:
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These are just a couple example pics from several of the Devs I mentioned. These are most definitely high quality graphics, which do not have to hide from AWAM at all. And best, every single one is from a game which is a lot quicker in development than L&P.
As you can see, there are a couple HS/AiS made renders in there. If you know how to use Illusion rendering, you can get really good quality out of them.
I give a point to you that Eva Kiss does 2D Art and so is difficult to rate in comparison to 3D, but her art improves too. "Our red String" has a serious upswing in art compared to her first game GggB.
"Free Pass" is made by a duo, yes, but like in literally all other games I mentioned only one person alone makes the renders.
2) I think we have a difference in what is considered slow burn. I consider slow burn a game that has serious branching, interesting paths and takes time to finish/explore all paths, regardless of when sex starts to happen. For example, "Our red String" is slow burn, it had already 7 updates, but the various main paths have been only established recently, there will be quite a way to cover until it ends. "Pale Carnations" is maybe 1/4-1/3 done, but the main fun is still to come. But outside the "always complainers everywhere" you will not hear one peep about the slow burn! And that is because we know that the Devs of e.g. "ORS" and "PC" will deliver good sized updates in discrete intervals and will finish their games in a couple of years and NOT in couple of fraking decades!
3) Already named two above.
You do know that L&P does everything to silence critics? F95, which by the way paved the way for his game and now L&P despices this forum because we do not kiss the ground this hot-headed, pretentious prick moves on, is one of the few places where you can read about his faults!
5) We agree on that L&P could without problems get by with less renders, especially since he is so slow. As for slow burn needs more renders than other games, this is partly true. While you need more pics for a widebranching game, the number of pics per scene does not need to explode into eternity. Pacing, use and variance of the pics is nearly more important than raw numbers.