Not to draw the attention away from the Judgement of Paris, which is quite interesting actually, I'm wondering **why** there is another hairdresser event. Let me explain.
We got two so far, one (day 2 / PD 2) Sophia + Dylan because of Sophia's dinner at the fancy restaurant and Dylan's next day tryout:
s "Oh, and by the way. Carl called me earlier. He was able to get you that tryout with the soccer club! A Mrs. Price, the mother of one of the players, will pick you up from here tomorrow afternoon at 2!"
dy "Really? Cool!!! Um... could you maybe drive me to a barber shop now? I'd like to get rid of this thatch!"
s "What, why? You look so cute with that haircut!"
dy "Well... new city, new house, new school, new football club... new haircut!"
s "Well, OK. It's your decision! It's actually great timing right now cause I was about to drive to a beauty parlor anyway! You can just come with me!"
The second one (day 12 / PD 5) because the next day Sophia had the interview for the nursing job
p "So what's the job interview for?"
s "Oh, it's a sick leave cover for a nurse in a nursing home. Spending some time with old people you know?"
p "Spending some time with old geezers? Sounds very exciting *ha-ha*!"
s "It was the only attractive job opening I saw, and I thought I'd do it as a way to help out some needy people. I found it on a website that Claire recommended to me."
p "Oh, I'm glad you mentioned her! She sends her regards and asked when you wanted to come around again."
s "Well... actually I was thinking about maybe going with a new hairstyle. And I want my hair color closer to my natural color again. Maybe I'll call her later, but I know she's got a very busy schedule, and I don't want to force myself on her after work again!"
So always because of an upcoming event.
What would be the reason for having an haircut in this case? Ok, the obvious answer is because hairs grow and women (and men) do that, dah.
But, in case the pattern repeats, looking at the events that are scheduled for PD 13 we see that after that there are only 2 events left in the evening:
1) Sophia/Dylan
2) Sophia/Dylan OR: Dylan/Ellie OR: Dylan/Emma
A sort of Dylan's night.
Could it be that Sophia and Dylan (event 1) go out to some sort of "date", like idk a movie, some mom/son bonding time? But, still, why actually care, usually you do that for formal or more important events? It could be the overused cliché of the mother bringing the son on a simulated date to teach him how to behave in a real one? Personally, I hope not, but..
de gustibus.
If we consider 2, again, it could be a sort of night out: for Dylan/Emma it is easy to speculate that they will have a first date and Sophia will help him to be presentable. The same for Dylan/Ellie, maybe Ellie will allow Dylan to join a party/event with her (not as a date). For example Christine invites both of them to her bday party or some other social event, something in these lines.
For Sophia/Dylan either it's the continuation of the previous event or again I have to go with some mom/son night out.
If instead we look at the day after, we don't have enough information, we only know about the tutoring job (difficult she's preparing for that) or the Museum guys (again, she is not going to dress up for that I think).
Occam's razor would say that it's just a visit to the hairdresser for no particular reason. I don't think we have enough information to speculate further than that, but it was just to say that there might be an upcoming even that maybe we are not aware of that motivates the visit.
I don’t know if he only puts 'plausible things', but anyway, he likes to leave clues
Let’s remember when Liam came back from the casino and lost everything.
So, based on this (after the videogame incident):
s "{color=#f2ff66}(I should have stopped them before that happened! These boys take their video games pretty seriously!)"
s "{color=#f2ff66}(I never thought that this stupid shirt would tear apart so easily! And once again it just showed how important it is to always wear a bra underneath!)"
now that at least at school she is not wearing it, could it be that at some point in the game, by accident...?

( actually
PietruccioTheHilander suggested the wardrobe malfunction happening at the concert, especially with the second dress, but IMO, as I said before, if he lets the patreon choose the dress, chances are that the dress does not play a fundamental role in the event)