Remember when I warned you about this 2 years ago?
Lazy&Passive will do everything to drag this along. This 1 GPU stuff was probably a slip up.
And yeah, everything he does when he talks about characters is for bragging rights, like some developer who has 3x his patrons is going to care because L&P managed to put 3x more characters into a scene
No one cares. People would be "this looks fantastic" if he took 1 week working on it, not 5 weeks. It's ridiculous.
We're talking about the person who is slow as a turtle, buys new hardware that gets him a 30% speed difference in rendering only to fuck that up and increase the renders to 1080p.
And before anyone comes up and says "oh but 1080p is much better than 720p". Yes it is, and it was proven that scaling the 720p to 1080 through that AIDenoiser or whatever it was called that a member here posted, was more than enough.
If you're new to this topic, do a little post it with the following: "L&P will drag the development cycle as much as he can, he's milking this game" so you can remember it everytime you think about supporting this.
I could go on and on with reasons that make it clear as day that this game isn't meant to be finished but the cycle is always the same now for years.
New people come in, get impressed, give him money. Then they realize this is slow af and there's no point in being a patron on non-update months. So they stop supporting and only download the game until they are fed up with the lack of in game pace also. And then it becomes a "I'll see this in 5 years".
There's no script. What do you expect? Do you guys really think there's going to be heterosexual extra-marital anything? It won't get to that point. He's going to dangle that carrot in front of his patreons and some of them, according to the comments in there, only have half a brain so they're def going to chase that carrot forever.
he started making this 4 years ago and he will end it in 40 years.
if it's obsolete now, imagine in a decade.