Yes, indeed! Let's see how L&P will handle this task, can't wait to see some poll or teaser with Sophia's outfit!
I agree with the first part of your comment but not the last part, as far as a poll is concerned. We've seen what happens when the Dev puts up a poll with limited choices. There's only one neutral statement I can make about the romper worn to the bar gig & that is that I'll never forget it!
Now imagine a slutty, stocking-top revealing, skin-tight, faux-leather or latex (I hate latex [& rubber]) suit with a gap for a bare midriff polled against a smart but sexy 'normal' business suit & ask yourself which would L&P's patrons vote for? Whatever else may be true, it's obvious from the last poll result that the majority who vote do not have realism as a priority.
While we're on the subject, it's surprising how many games & renders featuring beautiful women, have them in outfits which show their stocking tops as they go about their various activities. Women do not wear stockings in this way, apart from a few stupidly lewd, low-end strip-o-grams. Even prostitutes don't usually appear like this in RL. It's not only tacky, it's also cold, (speaking of the UK) & defeats the object by making stocking-tops appear to be something on show at all times. Once again, sexual immaturity 'tops' eroticism. It's the last sort of look we need for Sophia, IMO, I don't care how relaxed she becomes about exhibitionism. I post this in the hope that the Dev goes back to his default "realism" setting for the next event.