Another branch! Oh shit! Another path of delay, obfuscate and confuse. The light at the end of the tunnel IS a Photon Torpedo!
Oh god. Part of me is hoping for this new branch to be the "special" new thing just so there's nothing else to delay updates even further, but I guess that wouldn't explain his adventure with Blender and finding several other developers to help him with this "special" project. It also couldn't really explain these past 2 weeks with almost 0 progress.
So I guess there's now 2 more reasons for slower updates (because that's what we needed the most). A new branch (nobody needs or wants I assume), plus the new super-awesome-special-great-fabulous-patience-requiring-whateverthefuck-addition to the game we all will be so thankful, grateful and ecstatic about.
Can't wait for the update to drop, and everyone be like: What the fuck was he doing all this time?! THIS is supposed the special thing?! THIS is what he wanted us to be patient and grateful for!?
I've already got my torches prepaired incase the angry mob decides to march out, hunting. It's gonna be a sight to behold, either way.