How translating can take so much time??? To be honest, there are people who can translate half a book for 1 week and you can find those people on internet send your contend and pay them. This developer is swimming in money why translate is such a big deal for him? I can understand that making renders and doing them is something that not everyone can do, but translating is something that is 100% you can pass to someone else. For me he is lying for the game progress and most likely he is giving this numbers just to raise his subscribers to think that they will have the game and the end of Feb. As I said last year I knew that the next update is going to be extra delayed and as I said back then the release is going to be in march. The reason for that is he is lazy and lost his passion to keep the game so right now he is milking as much as he can. Mark my words that this will be the update 1 of 2 for 2022. The next update after this one will be the end of this game for sure. I have seen lots of time developers like this one to do the same thing. It's really sad that there is so many people willing to pay money for a game that is under developing for 4 years and with every update you get less and less than before. But this is not my money, looks like people are really that stupid to throw money in the air.
Please if there someone here who is subscriber to him, can he answer me to this question because that really eats me from inside to learn the answer. How you are okay with that to pay him money every month but you only get contend after 3 months or more. You give him 10 euros for 1 month that is 30 euros for 3 month to get an update that takes total 10 mins of game player. Is it that really worth? For a year you give 120 euros for 3 updates or 30 mins gameplay :O
That's a hard line you're taking but by and large much of what you write and predict is true.
Why do people subscribe and pay monthly for mostly zero returns, enduring month after month of hollow and misleading promises?
Simple. Sex sells, they are waiting for that high that will inevitably never arrive. In this industry it NEVER does. But they are compelled and fuelled by blind optimism. Yea, it's a bleak view.
You're also right to predict this game will implode soon or later like most do. Hope not, but the signs and the trend is there for all to see, and has been all along. The dev is so disorganised, non-trusting, wound up to his neck in this project that earns him a glut of dollars each month he will never see this game through.
Which is as much a tragedy as it is plainly avoidable.
But only if he were to deliver properly scheduled, regular updates and not take such advantage of his loyal fan base.