A lot has changed since the beginning actually and he wasn't always this slow at all.L&P has ALWAYS been slow to produce even from the beginning... SO WHAT HAS CHANGED, nothing. That is the way it is. As for those individuals whom attack him for his pace, asserting that he is milking patrons and that those who support him are fools, I submit this to you. Say you successfully dry up his income stream what then. What will occur to the game "POOF" no more game. Then you will then complain that he quit. I'm not taking sides but reason out the end game here. Figure out what you want, if it is for the end of this game state it then leave as you have no interest in the game. For those who want it quicker I just don't see that occurring no matter what is said or done. So for the people who continue to complain that is their lot in life as that is the best that they can aspire to. so sad.
For example version 0.03 he was at ~9.73 renders per day and the last update (version 0.150) was at ~5.54 renders per day.
And version 0.03 (release date 30 April 2018) was before he got a new much faster PC and while he still was in college AND had a side job not to mention he had a lot less DAZ experience compared to now.
All the things he said he would do to speed up development (quitting his side job and quote: "I cancel all my college courses and devote all my time to my passion of (adult) game development!") instead slowed down the development instead of speeding it up.
Oh and "What will occur to the game "POOF" no more game." will happen anyway unless he gets help.
Unless of course you believe he is going to keep working on the game for 20+ years.