I think you both make very good and valid points.
Now, in the 4th task we seem to have a similar scene when it comes to dressing for school with the usual dilemma and the internal monologue.
At the cost of being pedantic
, for me what L&P said about not going that revealing is the key.
She could first try the dress with the bra on (because she is wearing one anyway). She looks in the mirror and **probably** she starts to have doubts that this is really too much because of the short skirt, the stockings and the cleavage.
She might say this is enough for "that little turd" and decide to go with the bra and the white shirt covering most of the cleavage in the hope of confronting Aiden and lower his requests. Or as
hzjujk says, stay in her comfort zone as long as possible before going to the ladies room to change right before class.
Both are scenario are possible, the first one has Sophia **trying** to be (a bit) more dominant and negotiate with Aiden, the second one a bit more submissive in complying with the orders.
Another aspect to consider is that if she visits Morello, we clearly see she's wearing the bra. If she goes to school **without it** she would have to come back home to put it on, but at that point she would also change completely her dress, if she doesn't feel comfortable in it.
Sure, she could have the bra in the purse but why bring it if you decide to take that risky outfit?
The feeling I have about Morello's scene is that she goes there right after school, like she had enough of Aiden's requests, she puts the bra back on and she rushes there hoping to find the solution to her nightmare. She is so angry and frustrated that she doesn't care anymore about the dress being revealing.