Sep 24, 2017
I was going off my ever receding memory. Thanks for the correction. Having actually checked it, my tracker puts animations complete sometime between April 9-11.
You've been wrong before. although not by any fault of your own LOL. You might be trying to track a schedule that is untrackable.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
It's hard to say how long the remaining 15% for animations are going to take. Talcum Powder and his graphs are usually pretty accurate, but the progress on animations has been really inconsistent. The way I see it, they could be completed in 5 days, 10 days or even 20 days for all we know. It appears that L&P suddenly increased the pace after his patrons finally started complaining, but there has also been jumps in the progress bar that took 10+ days, so who knows.

What I find irritating is that it's only gotten faster after shit hit the fan on Patreon and F95, which some might consider a positive thing, but I find it pretty weird as this could've been happening WAY earlier in my opinion. I have a theory on why that's the case, which most people here probably already know, so I'm not even going to bring this up right now. Still, I wonder how long the next animation phase is going to take after L&P managed to satisfy his patrons with the new update. Back to snailspeed. Or rather snailspeed in slowmotion, until the angry mob goes on the hunt again.


Nov 17, 2020
Progress Report Ver. 0.160. :D(y)

100% - 100%
- 20%

View attachment 1742113

Progress Report Ver. 0.155. Animations.

Still at 85%
He deliberately slowing down programming and translation so that people wont get mad at slow progress of animations. I think he already completed 0.160 but slowing down percentage bar due to animations
3.20 star(s) 495 Votes