Ok, but how can there be a learning curve when L&P apparently hired a Blender professional to create animations for him? L&P also said that these professionals take several months to create high quality animations of the likes L&P wanted to provide, which is also not the case as can be seen in several projects of many professional animators. These aren't even the so claimed "minutes long" animations we were supposed to see. These are a couple second long loops. It's also not just about what Randy Klein had to say. We've seen several contradicting statements from L&P over the 5 month period that was the development of 0.155+0.160. It's not like people here are suddenly jumping on Randy's ship. The essence of what Randy said on Patreon is what many people here are saying for years. Which is that things don't add up. Which is also that L&P is constantly telling untruths and/or is trying to twist the things to his liking while on the other hand contradicting himself, failing to deliver, failing to fulfill promises and becoming slower developing his game year after year after year. And nobody can argue against that. Numbers don't lie. Again, this is a topic for years now.
And about Randy, like I said he's simply made plenty valid points L&P fails to answer. His posts vanished many times and all he's done is reposting them and ask for an answer in a very reasonable, non-aggressive manner. I don't see how he's got a big ego. There's no way you can compare his statements with the stuff and attitude L&P is posting on Patreon or F95. In the end L&P still ignored most of his questions and told him to send an e-mail. Nothing ever came out of this.
And as for going through the roof, what do people expect when someone like this Chester guy comes in here and the very first line in his very first post is a ridiculous and weak attempt at insulting people who believe that L&P is doing these animations on his own? And instead of making valid points like Randy Klein did, all he said basically is; "I'm working on animations. L&P can't learn this in 5 months. He can't do this alone.". Yeah, great. I'm totally convinced by this very detailed attempt at telling the critics how they are wrong in their beliefs. Obviously he's not obliged to make a lengthy post sharing his thoughts and experience, but what we got here doesn't mean jack shit, in all honesty. Like I said, give me something to work with and I'll gladly consider giving it a chance.
This guy can't even know if L&P was working with animations for 5 months or the past year. He also can't know if L&P wouldn't be able to create animations like the ones we've seen. We all know that L&P is very talented when it comes to creating art/renders, and he's got years of experience with programs like DAZ and has also made animations before. Those animations are obviously of lesser quality, but that can easily be explained by him using DAZ, not Blender. Here's the thing: He already knew how to create animations, and god knows for how long he's been fiddling around with Blender getting better at it. We know the quality of the art ain't the issue. What he had to learn is how to animate characters properly making it look realistic and fluent. It's not like he had to start from scratch. He's already talked about having taken live lessons for Blender animations on Twitch by an actual professional before. And I'm also still failing to see how he's needed to ask for help on F95 on how to import his assets into Blender when he apparently has a professional Blender animator at hand. Doesn't make much sense, does it?
So, seeing that the amount of renders per day created has gone down a lot aswell as the fact that we have considerably less unique renders and tons of re-used or slightly adjusted renders compared to previous updates, is just yet another indication to me that he's actually done these animations himself. But that's just my opinion. I guess there's still a small chance that he actually has an animator, and is also cutting down on everything else regarding the game's development for whatever reason.
Sorry, didn't plan to make this yet another wall of text.