@Lust&Passion :
- dont be silly - i also live in Germany and a developer/coder earning 3500€ (before taxes) is common, and that is pretty enough to pay for rent, energy and all other stuff you need. mostly people earn about 2300-2400 per month on other (lesser paid) jobs and are also able to live - so dont come up with "facts" which are pure lies!
- MC started to act filthy in the first 2 episodes of the game (to "bait" patreons?) by playing on the movers for example, but after that she acts so prude, that even mother theresa seems to be a whore?
- even if you play the "good wife" path - why does she not have sex with her husband? is that a normal way a wife acts?
- i appreciate your renderings (you have several - maybe to much - assets to render together), but are they worth to wait about 5 years to finish a project?
- appreciate you stick to your believings and dreams, but do not wonder you will get the "payment" from those who believed in your game on earlier state and who are disappointed right now.
FINALLY: again sex scenes: you got so much possibilities to include some "action" even without breaking characters or the story (best example: a good wife is having sex with her husband - BASTA), but it really feels as the pace goes down and down every update.
Based on its current state you can not judge the people to leave your project and maybe have a look again once it is finished, as to pay you 270.000 € ( i took YOUR info - not changing anything = 5 years = 60 months = 270.000$ assumed the 4500$ will be constant for sure)
just to compare: i work full time at "fraunhofer Institute" (you are german too - you know this corporation) as developer/coder and i get 210.000€ (3500*12*5) - so dont tell us that you dont earn enough
Based on your own info you make 31 days - so 8 are done = 23 left
Based on the last updates we got 1/2 day every 3 months (i respect your private issues)
let me guess i just double this rate and i concede you 1 full day every 3 Months
that would be overall nearly 6 years
so HOW DO YOU THINK to reach final goal after 3-4 years?
PS: even think that more "private issues" will delay this schedule even farther away backwards!
I dont want to insult you, nor do i want to destroy your dreams or "cut off" those who still believe in an impossible mission (imho) - all i want to do is show you with your own delivered data and facts, that you are wrong!
And believe me - there are lots of people over here smart enough to see whats going on, same as a lots are still over here who believe in god and that you will do miracle, even your own posts refute yourself
best wishes to your "dream project" (maybe nightmare project after all)
Disclaimer: Sorry that i did not Quote the whole data/facts (would be too much work), but you still can find EVERY fakt i used within your own posts somewhere!