It could be, though. If he by chance got to see Sophia in all her glory through the bathroom door it could have been an indelible memory for him, even though he was still that young. And seeing her again at the balcony with the bra (day 14) could have triggered again the memory.
View attachment 2056461
And that could also "explain" why Sam got inside the house after the basketball match to have a drink and peeping on her (day 16): he was trying to relive that moment.
View attachment 2056462
View attachment 2056470
sa "Hey, can we take a 5-minute break?"
sa "And if it's OK, can I get a Sprite out of your fridge? We currently just have water at home."
l "Yeah, sure."
dy "Since you're going, bring me one, too!"
l "Me too."
sa "All right."
dy "And hurry up, dude!"
"{color=#ffffff}Sophia saw Sam head in the direction of their house and thought it seemed a little strange."
s "{color=#f2ff66}(Hmmm... he lives right next door and he's going in our house for a drink because they just have water at home? That's a bit odd.)"
s "{color=#f2ff66}(And after this morning at the pool I've got a vague feeling that Sam has something different in mind.)"
s "{color=#f2ff66}(He knows that I should be getting ready at the moment and that I'm all alone in the house now.)"
s "{color=#f2ff66}(So I actually wouldn't have to close the bedroom door.)"
s "{color=#f2ff66}(He's not going to by any chance...)"
And when he said that he has a "breast fetish" (again day 16, few hours earlier than the basketball match)
View attachment 2056499
sa "Oh, you'll be surprised!"
sa "But... ah, whatever! I'll just tell you!"
sa "Well... um..."
sa "I've got this, um... breast fetish."
s "Oookaaay..."
sa "And since I've seen you a couple of times in your bra now and... all this time in your bikini..."
sa "I, um... well, can't help but try to picture how... um..."
sa "You'd look without a bra."
... maybe he is now confessing that the fetish comes a long way from that time when...
It's not so completely implausible IMO, it also depends on the context and on where he is going with that.
But of course there could be other more fitting explanations.