Respect needs to go both ways, the reason only a few people act respectfully towards the dev is because i big chunk of the people here feel they are being taken for a spin(right or wrong), that the dev is willfully delaying things to grab more money while giving less.The most unpleasant thing to observe here is human rudeness and ingratitude.
What a huge number of people were outraged here on the forum by the fact that all four indicators indicated 100%, and the update was not published. And no one paid attention to the numerous explanations of the developer that the indicators show only part of the work that needs to be done, that work is still being done on the animation and, in the end, it is necessary to test the work done.
But now that he has added animation and testing indicators, people are still not letting up, letting poison into the developer's address, wanting to sting him. It's so disgusting. Is it really that hard to show a little respect?
I am not able to understand it.