It may be hot as Sam's; however, we won't know until the event occurs. Sam's build-up was over multiple PDs, with two "Hot" events on PD 12 and 13. Although some will disagree on Sophia/Dylan's build-up because of how they look at things, nothing was built up for Dylan until she had an emotional scene on PD 12's jogging event - Hobo Fighter II. It was dialed back during the salon event (car ride home). Sophia/Dylan's evening will most likely be a switch flip as he will jam-pack a build-up into event part one, then close it on part two with the catch-up. That was poor planning of Sophia/Dylan's arc, but the event might be "Hot." But hot is subjected as some people found erotic fabric touching good, and others had the WTF moment.
Suppose L&P looks at other games between M/S, like No more money and Ms. Denver's, as I have high hopes for that game. In that case, you can see a build-up either happening or forming from the start, which is what he should have done with Sophia/Dylan in previous PD, like Sam and Ellie's arc, before he made it to this evening event.