How long were you his supporter?after long time of thinking about how we could make Lust & Passion change is creation update speed , i have decide to end my support for one or more month depends of how he react. I have understanding for his situation and a creator of such good product can take his time and if he decide that he needs a year for one update then i respect that but i am not willing to wait for that while paying there are many other artist who are willing to hear their supporters and they are very talented too . his product and concept will lose with the time atraction and then he is going to react and will be too late , but not long ago he has made an statement once and wrote officially that the updates would get quicklier . And it doenst matter how spectacular the updates are at the the waiting for the next is a torture and are getting longer again . Why we have to show always understanding for his situation ? And what about the Supporters ? the answer is , he might have some supporters who wants to support him forever and they will advice him not to care about critic cause they will support him forever. But the ilussion of his product will disappear then the ideas will not be interesting enough and the supporters will get bored.
Were you an early supporter or did you get involved later?
First of all, you made the right decision for yourself. The developer asked you to support his project but you don't get what you expected, then it's right to stop supporting!
The game has been in development for 6 years. After the first two years it was clear what the speed of development was and, above all, how it would remain. That's what my second question was about. Everyone, really everyone, who decides to take part in a project like this should find out about the general conditions beforehand.
Furthermore, I believe that there is only a narrow period of time, if any, to "force" a developer to work faster by withdrawing financial support. And in my opinion, that opportunity at L&P is long gone. If he loses too many supporters now he will simply quit.
That doesn't mean that you did the wrong thing by discontinuing support, because it's your money, just the idea that you're setting an example for L&P to work faster is just naive.
And as a member before me asked: Did you inform him (L&) about this decision and your reasons on his website?
Because I don't think it will do much good on his website, but a post like that in this forum is like yelling at a wall.