I'm saying it because it's kiddie porn
Besides that...
That side job doesn't work with the story and main themes of the game itself....
Nor does the old folks home side job since it's totally counter to the character of Sophia herself. Yes Sophia likes them 'young' {Sam, Dylan and Tyler...and maybe Zack}. Perhaps its social-phycological biology at work why Sophia trips that way but it kind of makes sense. Two old has beens on the verge of their dirt naps? Nope... doesn't work with how Sophia has her character worked out.
So the question you responded to "because it takes away space from the main characters and therefore slows down the progression of the story??" that is the net effect is that both side jobs just suck within the scope of the game. And it's because of the developer, themself. Because, just like the last two updates there is no closure, there is no development, there is no evolution of the characters, and the developer will just blue-ball whatever update comes out because of a flawed writing strategy the developer is sticking to.
And those other started plot threads that where started, developed and expanded that others were interested in are in the trash bin... or so far back that those memories are faded with too much time elapsed to bother to resurrect them back